5. Powerhouse, more like Power toped

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"What was that?" asked Hawkwoman

"That was the Phantom form that can give me more access to my other abilities," says Danny "You could say it was superhero disguise"

"Wait...Did you say phantom?" exclaims Hawkwoman

Danny nods his head "I was Danny Phantom and I protected Amity Park, a small town in Illinois until I wasn't needed anymore" said Danny sadly

The Team and the League realize who this person was and was astonished to be in his presence. This was the first teenage hero to defend a town by himself with no mentor. At first everyone thought it was a hoax, but this is the real deal.

"Do you have any weaknesses?" asked Batman

"Um.., electricity I think" responded Danny

The Leaguers agree that they got enough information for now and would like to see Danny's combat skills are.

Then Batman ordered the Team to attack Danny to assess his level of fighting skills. The Leaguers moved out of the training area so that the team could fight Danny. He floated to the center of the space waiting for his attackers to face him.

The match springs to life as the team rush forward to face a potential challenge. Firstly, incomes Kid thinking he could beat this poser and proves he's all that. All it took was deflecting Kid attacks and one well-placed leg out and Kid was out of the arena.

Next, was M'gann and she tried to enter his mind, but she immediately was kicked out since he had mental shields that couldn't let anyone control him for any purposes and that ghosts worked differently from the living.

Afterward came Aqualad and Artemis, their tag-team efforts were all in vain though because Danny was able to dodge and re-deflect Artemis arrows as well as block Aqualad's water bearers with his own weapon, a staff that glowed white on both ends. They duked out with their weapons, trading blows, but Danny won in the end.

After the tag-team effort was Robin and Danny knew he had to be careful with him. As Robin attacked from a distance Danny dodged and was able to turn the water from the last fight into fog. He knew it would give themselves both an advantage and disadvantage. While in the fog, Robin came in for close combat, but Danny anticipated that and when they were close enough, Danny grabbed his arms for a side throw and winked at Robin flirtatiously. Robin blushed and lost concentration. Robin was then thrown out of the arena, disqualifying himself.

Lastly was Superboy and Danny knew it would have been to easy to beat him, so he toyed with him. As they fought in close combat, Danny starts speaking to Superboy.

"You're really good looking..." states Danny "Maybe after this we can get to know each other more."

"If you win that is." says Superboy confidently

With that said Danny goes for a kiss while Superboy is on the defensive. Danny manages to get one right on the lips, leaving Superboy confused and blush on his face.

He shakes off his feelings and goes for an final shot. Danny then decided to get rid of the fog at once to end this match. As the room clears, the League can see Superboy being thrown to the edge of the arena struggling to stay in.
With a final blow from Danny, Superboy falls out the ring giving Danny the victory.

As the Team get up to attack again, Canary tells them to stop. When asked why, she tells that would have lost either way because Danny had not moved his spot since the beginning of the match.

Batman tells the Team to rest up as Danny will be taking on Canary later.

Danny then asks that while he waits he would like make a call to check in on some people who are in his care.

Batman agrees and the Team go to the Med wing.

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