Chapter 2: Crossing Paths

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(One week later)

A week after NJPW's Dominion, the seven Elite members decided to continue celebrating their dominance, but with the attention all on Alex, since they kept calling him Alex 2 Belts. All of them have their championship titles around their shoulder as they filmed an episode of Being the Elite.

Kenny: I may be the champion and Bullet Club's leader, but come on, this man right here has two titles!

Alex: I don't want to take all the credit Kenny, look at the Bucks they each have two titles as well

Matt: but having two titles really helps balance the weight on your shoulders

Nick: to make easier for you Alex, just buckle the two titles together and wear it like a scarf

Alex clipped the two titles together and wore them like a scarf.

Cody: there we go, worth a million bucks right there

Marty: a man draped in gold

Alex: hey, we are all draped in gold, but I think it's not enough

Kenny: are you proposing something?

Alex: since New Japan and WWE are joint, let's go after their titles and we will even be more draped in gold

Kenny: I like that idea

Alex: I may have two titles on my shoulder, but I may need one more for my waist

Marty: I have no problem winning a WWE title

Nick: the company is all good since that old man is gone

Alex: so Kenny, when do you want to make the move?

Kenny: well since we got some friends there, I would say next Monday

Alex: sounds good

Hangman: I'm down

Kenny: okay guys, let's go see a STARDOM show

Alex: STARDOM, the all women wrestling promotion?

Kenny: yes, my protege Riho is wrestling tonight

Cody: and I wonder if any WWE Superstars will be there like what happened at Dominio last week

Nick: we don't know until we find out

Alex: what time is the show?

Kenny: not until later tonight

Hangman: okay

Alex: sweet, but are you guys hungry?

Marty: you read my mind

Nick: now that you mentioned it, I am starving

Kenny: me too

Alex: well then, let's go to Hard Rock!

Group: Hard Rock yeah!

Matt: too bad Fat Masa isn't here

Nick: yeah

The Elite took Cody's limo and drove to Hard Rock.

(With the girls)

Alexa, Nikki and the rest of the girls were at the hotel pool relaxing. They talked about the ending to Dominion last week when Cena and Orton beat down Tanahashi and Okada.

Kairi: Orton really came out of nowhere

Toni: that's how a Viper is

Nikki: Cena and Tanahashi is a match the wrestling world wants to see

Opposite Ends of the World (Alexa Bliss and Io Shirai x Alex Auditore)Where stories live. Discover now