Chapter 8: SMUG meets The Elite and STARDOM Mixed Tag Match

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(A/N: the beginning part of this chapter will be based on this video above by an Australian NXT star named Elliot Sexton, the video irked me on the inside, so just watch it for yourself and see why.)

Alex woke up early and left a note for Alexa telling he was going with Cody, Kenny, Matt and Nick to buy some food. He washed up and changed without waking up his beautiful Goddess. The dual champion met with the Young Bucks and Kenny outside and left for the market.

An hour later, Alexa woke up and felt an empty space next to her. She saw the note from Alex and smiled. The Goddess fixed herself a cup of coffee and waited for her lover to return, not knowing that she'll get an unexpected and very annoying visitor.

(30 minutes later)

MCW freelancer and current NXT superstar Elliot Sexton walked to a house one day with a cup of coffee with no shirt on. His only article clothing was a pair of athletic shorts. The house he was going to wasn't just any house. He knocked on the door, and it was none other than the Goddess herself.

Alexa: why are you here?

Elliot: you won't answer my calls

Alexa: yeah, take a hint

Elliot: is this about the pig thing?

Alexa: yes, you don't feed bacon to a pig

Elliot: I just want to know that Larry is a vegan

Alexa: everyone knows that Larry is a vegan

Elliot: well, consider this a start of my apology

He handed the cup of coffee to Alexa.

Alexa: wow, I don't know what's more pathetic; the fact that this is the apology or the fact you showed up at my house without a shirt on... again

Unbeknownst to Elliot; Alex, Kenny, Cody and the Bucks had returned from their trip to the market; the Cleaner saw Elliot with Alexa.

Kenny: who the hell is that clown?

Alex: what's up, Kenny?

Kenny: some muscular idiot is here at Alexa's house

Alex: huh, where?!

Alex looked out the window to see the two.

Alex: the hell?

Matt: oh, we know who that is

Alex: who?

Nick: that's Elliot Sexton

Matt: he was part of TM-61

Alex: TM-61? Thorne and Miller?

Nick: TM-61 wasn't just a tag team, they were a stable

Alex: well, I want to kick his ass so bad

Matt: this is perfect for a segment for Being the Elite

Kenny: Elliot has these SMUG episodes for his YouTube channel

Nick: and he'll get a surprise from the biggest names in Japan

Alex: no one comes over to my girlfri- I mean friend's house without a shirt on

He stuttered as he remembered that he and Alexa decided to make a surprise for everyone.

Matt parked the van, and the five BC members got into position.

Opposite Ends of the World (Alexa Bliss and Io Shirai x Alex Auditore)Where stories live. Discover now