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You see the Sparks fly
You hear your friends cry
You see the fiend die
Everything you love is gone
Everything has died by dawn
You are all alone again
"You are all alone my friend
I will help you just this once
I will bring one back
So choose sweet darling friend of mine
Choose who you love most
Or give me back that life of mine
And join your friends and foes"
You hear the voice of the devil say
The one who you've contracted
But you cannot follow what he says
For you pray for the one with whom you should have contacted
"I do not ask for much my Father all I ask is this,
keep them safe and in your arms
keep them safe from this
Let my friends know of my love
Let them treasure this
To her i give my soul and heart
To him I give my strength
To you I give my body up
So you may win this game"
And As you end your final prayer
You look upon your wrongs
You do not say your sorry for there is nothing you could have done
And as you promised once at last
You cast your body down
Your burned it up inside the flames
An offering for help
God looked upon your sacrifice with love and kind forgiveness
"You care for them so very much
We welcome you hubiscus"
And into his arms he carried you and brought you back to heaven
Your heart and soul were cleansed that day
The day that you turned 7

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