In the end

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When the days are cold
and the nights are long
all I hear is that sweet song
When im all alone
and the fear sets in
all I want is to let you in
When you pull away
and then break my heart
all I want is to see the start
When you say goodbye
and I know your threw
all I want is to be with you
When you beat me down
and don't look back
I know im threw and can't go back
When I cry inside I will smile outside
because all I want is to see your sweet side
When you finaky break
and you come running back all I'll say is
"go on back you had your chance
you broke me down
but I am strong
I'll stand my ground
you cannot hurt me
im already dead
I will not lay upon this bed"
With tears of pain I'll say goodbye
I'll turn around so ends this ride

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