Best Friends

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"Charles Septimus Weasley, you get back here right now!!" I yelled, chasing him through the portrait.

He stopped suddenly and I started hitting him. "You-and-your-stupid-little-twin-brothers!" I said through gritted teeth, in-between hits.

"OK, OK, OK, stop. Get off me." He said, grabbing my hands. "I'm sorry."

Him, Fred and George tried to play a prank on Flitwick. Unfortunately, I was walking past while they set it up, and it backfired onto me. Now I have bright pink hair.

"I'm sorry, Ava." I glared at him with my arms crossed. "I'll talk to Fred and George." I raised an eyebrow. "I can get them to apologise." I gave him a look that said 'Are you freaking kidding me'. "Let's go to Madam Pomfrey and see if she can sort it out."

"I'm not going out looking like this."

"Then I'll go and ask her."

"Thank you." I sighed, exasperated, while falling back onto the sofa. A third year girl turned and whispered to me.

"It's so obvious now."

I looked at her, confused. "What?"

"You're totally in love with him, aren't you?"

"What, no. Me and Charlie, we're just friends."

"Clarification." Said Fred, walking into the common room.

"They're best friends." Said George, following him. I glared at them.

"Can it, you two." I said, while the third year and her friend 'aww'ed.

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