First Visit Home

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August 31st, 1991-
"Hello? Anyone 'round?"

I heard a deep voice while I was ordering some paintings behind the desk. I stood up, turned around and saw...


"'Ello, Avaris. It's good ter see yer."

I ran around the desk, and jumped at him, giving him a big hug. Then, when I let go, I noticed the small black-haired boy next to him.

"Now, you must be Harry Potter." I said, leaning down. He nodded slowly. I held out my hand to him. "Well, it is wonderful to finally meet you."

He shook my hand gently. I smiled widely at him, and he gave me a small one back.

"I believe you'll be meeting a Ronald Weasley while you're there. It's his first year too."

"Speaking o' Weasleys, how's Charlie been doin'? Still havin' fun in Romania?"

"I'll be honest, Hagrid. I'm not sure. I haven't seen him since he left after graduation."

"Bu' that was almos' two years ago!"

I nodded slowly.

"But don't let me keep you from getting your supplies. I'm sure you've got lots to do today, Harry."

"Well, jus' thought we'd pop in, see how yer doin'"

"Thanks, Hagrid." They turned to leave. As they were going out the door, I called. "It was nice to meet you, Harry."

He smiled and waved as they walked past the window.

Not long after, I heard the bell above the door.

"Just a second. I'll be right with you." I said from the back room. When I emerged, I saw who was there and froze. A man, tall, wearing a green camouflage jacket, clothes all ripped and burned, and the mullet of ginger hair. I could feel the tears pricking at my eyes. I ran towards him, threw my arms round his torso, and cried into his chest. As he stroked my hair, I breathed in his scent, what I'd smelt in the Amortentia so many years ago: firewood, mint, butterscotch pudding, and coconut shampoo. I looked up at him, and smiled. He wiped away my tears with his thumb, brushed some hair out of my face, and kissed me softly.

"I missed you so much."

"I missed you too."

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