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I brought an extra mattress down onto the floor for him to sleep on. He lay down in it and smiled at me. "Night, (N/N)."
I smiled "night Kenny." I wrote, and a couple minutes later I heard snoring which meant Kenny was asleep so I then shut my eyes, before hearing Eric yelling "THAT DAMN JEW!"

I wake up, and notice Kenny is reading a magazine. Up close, I could see it was a...dirty one..
"Oh, you're up." He smiled, yeeting the magazine into the corner of the room. He sat up.
"You wear your parka to bed?" I wrote. He shakes his head. "...not normally. Sometimes, I do," He replies. "Are you okay? You seem...like sick or something." He puts his hand to my forehead. "You should...stay off. I'll tell your mom." He says, getting up. I nod. I did feel a bit sick.

Kenny then jumped back onto the mattress, and said "well I'm not going either. Someone has to keep you company." He says. "You don't have to." I wrote. He scoffed.
"Of course I do." He grinned.

Stan's P.O.V

Kenny and (Y/N) didn't show up at the bus, and didn't show up for classes either.
After what felt like hours of writing random stuff the bell rang, so I got up and left.
"Stan!" I heard a distant yell. I turned to see Kyle running towards me. "Where's (Y/N), or Kenny?"
"Off, I think. Why?"

"We have a project, and I don't want to do it by myself, dude." He sighed. I nodded, staring into space. I wonder if anyone liked her. Not me, because I'm taking breaks of relationships right now, after Wendy.

Kenny's P.O.V

"Let's go downstairs?" I asked, and she nodded. I grabbed her hand and walked down the stairs, carefully leading he down as she WAS sick.

I sit her on the cough and she grabs my wrist, and points at my face. "What?" I then realise what she wants.
She wants to see my face. "I..guess I can show you now." I smiled. Her eyes lit up, and she sat, excitedly.

I pulled my hood down, finally showing her my blonde hair and blue eyes.
She looked slightly shocked, but red faced. "Like what you see?" I winked.
She just rolled her eyes childishly.

Then, I heard a knock on the door...

I'm back bitches~
😂 I took a break ✌🏻

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2020 ⏰

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