Part 9: I'm not a bisexual

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This is how I met Gin,

Back when I was grade 12, the same year I broke up with my past boyfriend Cheol and the same year you put my world upside down, Jae.

"Can someone volunteer in front, kindly introduce yourselves using two sentences about yourself one truth and one bluff."

I stared at the man confidently raised a hand and went at the platform.

"I'm Gin, I have a younger brother, and I have hot wheels, which one is bluff and which one is true?"

"Okay Gin, say the name of the person you want to answer your question."

Gin stared at me that made my eyes widen in confusion as he called my name, because the next person will also introduce itself in the same way.

"The second one is a bluff."

I said nonchalantly. Gin chuckled.

"No, I have hot wheels."

Then the class cracked a laugh at us. I didn't get the joke and just went at the platform.

"I'm Sal, I'm an only child, and I'm bisexual."

I saw Gin confused of what I said, while his friends tapped his shoulders as a sign of comfort.

I asked a friend of mine to answer and he answered it correctly.

"I'm not a bisexual."

I stared at Gin at he slowly flashed a smile on his face. What's up with this dude?

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