Feigning Indifference 101

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A/N: Y'all get a little bit from Brett's pov this chapter, just so you can see what he's been worrying about. I also just wanted to say thank you so much to everyone who decided to give this a look! :D


Oh no, shit, oh gosh... Brett was pacing his halls as he replayed the conversation in his head. What made you think it would be a good idea for you to go down and talk to him in the first place, Brett? He winced as he went through the events once more. It's bad enough that you kidnapped him, now you had to go and make it worse by attempting conversation as well? He knows your name, what you've done, what your basement looks like...

Brett's stomach twisted as he thought back to the alley. Stupid, stupid. You should have been more careful. You knew that man couldn't have done anything to you, he was just a stupid human...

You see, where Eddy was young for a demon with only two hundred years under his belt, Brett was quite young for an angel as well, only clocking in at about four hundred years. Most people didn't lead perfect lives anymore, and Brett had never met anyone less experienced than he was. The older angels would rather snicker at his awkward fumbling around then help him, so he was actually still adjusting to his near-superhuman strength and wings when his manager sent him a notice that he had been assigned to Earth, to watch over a certain crime-ridden area and to convert as many sinners as possible back to the light.

In hindsight, it really wasn't a surprise that something like this had happened. They sent their most incompetent angel into the midst of hundreds of beings and expected him not to make a single tiny mistake. For some reason, this thought didn't comfort Brett in the slightest.

Oh, they're going to kill me, they're going to strip me of my wings and kill me on the spot the minute they find out, what do I do? Kidnapping Eddy hadn't been a bright idea, it just happened to be the first one that popped into his head. Brett could feel his stomach twist as he thought of the tall, lanky demon he had currently tied up in his basement.

Angels had been told that demons were less than human, not worth their time, only their disdain, and Brett had believed them until now. Why wouldn't he? Up until last night, he had never seen a demon before.

This obviously didn't make him feel any better about knocking the demon out and tying him up like a dog, even if it was for his own self preservation. He just didn't know the demon, and it was far too risky to even attempt letting him walk free with Brett's secret on the tip of his tongue. If anything he had been taught about demons was true, it would waste no time finding someone in charge and ruining everything Brett had become.

But still... Brett thought back to his conversation with the demon. I thought demons were supposed to be afraid of us. Maybe he's hiding something?

He had walked down the stairs hesitantly, seeing as he assumed the demon would not yet have awoken. Much to his surprise, the boy was awake and blinking the last traces of sleep from his eyes. No, not a boy. He's a demon, Brett reminded himself.

He didn't know what to say as he stared expressionlessly at the demon in his basement. For what it was worth, the demon actually looked quite unfazed by everything. If he didn't know better, Brett would almost feel intimidated. (He was already slightly miffed that the demon was taller than him.)

Finally, after what seemed like a lifetime, the demon spoke. "Am I in your basement?"

Brett really didn't know how to respond to that. Should he tell him? It's not like it would make this any less odd if he didn't, but still, no, I knocked you out and left you in someone else's basement seemed a bit improbable.

"I mean... it's a nice basement," the demon continued, pushing the words out awkwardly to fill the silence that followed his question. Brett tuned him out as he kept talking, his low voice becoming nothing more than soothing white noise. Where do I even go from here? Do I kill him? That just seems wrong. But I don't see any other options...

"So. You're not mad about the kidnapping thing." Brett finally spoke, thoughtful. He did his best to keep his face blank, so as not to reveal anything more than he had to. Anything can be used against you later, you can never be too careful.

"Oh no, I'm furious," the demon replied almost instantaneously, following that statement with a threat. Brett had to stifle a laugh at the audacity of that, a demon threatening an angel. Not to mention, said demon was currently tied to one of his dining room chairs.

"Don't kid yourself," Brett all but snorted at that. "You're nowhere near strong enough to take down an angel."

"True enough," Eddy, the demon, leaned forward, eyes glinting red for only a second. "But I'm pretty sure the higher ups on your end are."

Crap. Time to shine, resting bitch face. Let's put you to use. Brett didn't break eye contact. Don't let him know how nervous that statement makes you.

"You know," he responded instead, changing tactics, a slight edge to his voice, "I don't just make a habit of kidnapping demons." Maybe he'll shut up if I intimidate him- oh who am I kidding, I couldn't intimidate a mouse, let alone this bean pole of a demon. Brett was more than a little focused on Eddy's height.

It took Eddy an uncomfortably short period of time to respond, a playful glint starting to shine in his eyes. "Aww, so what you're telling me is that I'm your first?" he snapped back.

It was all Brett could do not to squeak in response. He could feel a soft blush starting to travel across his cheeks and down his throat as well. Great. "Wouldn't you like to know," he grumbled quietly.

Eddy's tone turned innocent. "What was that?"

Shit. "I said if you don't shut your mouth, I'll shut it for you."

Brett had put his face in his hands the moment he made it back up those same stairs, allowing himself a moment more to cool off before straightening his shirt out and heading out the front door. He needed to cool off.

Walking was always very calming for Brett, second only to playing his violin. It just had something to do with being surrounded by nature, the birds, the wind, even feeling the rocks under his feet. Usually, Brett walked with no shoes, but today he just happened to be wearing sandals.

The calming effects of his walk were, unfortunately, lost on him as he turned the first corner. He heard a small pop behind him, which seemed slightly peculiar. However, this didn't even begin to prepare him for the chills he felt travel down his spine when he heard the voice. 

"Hello, Brett." 

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