Loose Threads

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Hey guys! I'm back, with one final chapter for all of you lovely readers. You've all been so sweet and nice and I could honestly hug you for even just clicking on this story in the first place. I wrote this chapter from my heart, and while it's a bit of a roller coaster when it comes to tone, and far from perfect, I wouldn't have it any other way.


The worst part about looking exactly the same forever, Eddy decided, was the fact that you had to look exactly the same, like, for forever. Squinting at the same face that had greeted him day after day in the mirror, he finally rolled his eyes, scrunched up his nose one last time, and left the room, flicking the lightswitch off absentmindedly as he did so.

Walking into the living room, he came face to face with Brett, and even though he looked the same day in and day out as well, Eddy never failed to be absolutely floored by how etherial Brett looked. Even now, with his eyes weary and small bags under his eyes, a half drank black coffee gritted tightly in his claw-like hands and an oversized t-shirt and flannel pajama bottoms on, Eddy felt like he couldn't take his eyes off of him.

"The glasses are new," Brett noted as he walked by, obviously not using his time to stare with unabashed fondness as Eddy was doing currently.

"Huh?" Eddy blinked, snapping out of it a little bit. "Oh, yeah." He refixed the wire frames almost self consciously. "I was getting a little bored with the whole..." he trailed off, gesturing slightly at himself. "...ensemble. Figured it would be good to mix things up every now and then. Do you like them?" he paused, biting his lip.

"Naw bro, they look good," Brett called from the kitchen, already pouring himself another cup of coffee. He popped his head back out into the living room and gave Eddy another glance. "Really good."

Eddy grinned softly, sliding into the kitchen in his socks and almost losing his footing on the tile floor. "Thanks. So then, what's on the agenda today, my good sir?"

Brett looked at him with that hopeful glimmer in his eyes, and Eddy steeled himself for a request he would most likely be unwilling to fulfill.

"I've been thinking about your lack of baking ability," Brett started, and Eddy was already shaking his head.

"No, no, no way dude," he groaned. "You promised to let it go."

"Oh please tell me when I promised that," Brett fired back, already grinning. "I never promised that."

"I'm fine not knowing, we don't actually need to eat," Eddy said. "It's a habit and it's comforting, but we don't survive on food anymore."

"Sure, but food is nice," Brett offered, shrugging. "I dunno about you, but sometimes I feel a little hungry. Plus, food is nice." He repeated his first point.

"Yeah but we can go around just being a little bit hungry for forever, Brett," Eddy said. "It's a convenience, not a necessity."

"It's a fun pastime."

"One that I'm not inclined to learn."

"Everyone should learn how to cook at some point, I'm sure Fred cooks for Mary!"

"And I have you to cook for me," Eddy pointed out. "And you're so good at it too, why would I ever need to learn anything when I'm with you?" He draped himself across Brett's shoulders, hugging him.

Brett just gazed at him fondly, trying to settle on a compromise. "Come on, I'll help you out. We'll make something simple, like cookies."

Eddy sighed, looking into his former angel's eyes. "You're not going to let this go, are you?"

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