Calm Before the Storm

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Fred was being difficult, or so Eddy assumed. He had yet to get a response from the demon, and his anxieties about Brett's wings grew daily, spiraling rapidly out of control. Brett's wings were almost completely blackened, and crunchy to the touch. Eddy imagined that if he bit down one one of them, for whatever reason, it would taste like charcoal. Why he was having visions of chomping down on Brett's feathers, he wasn't quite sure.

Brett, for the most part, just didn't want to admit that anything was wrong. He knew that his wings were blackening before his eyes, something that Gabriel had no doubt done, but he really didn't want to think about it. He didn't even look at them unless Eddy made him, and he shut down any kind of conversation pertaining to them almost immediately.

Eddy could understand that, because it had taken him far too long to even think of accepting who he was when he had first fallen, especially when his wings had first sprouted. Even with Fred's helpful powerpoint presentation, he still didn't understand what was going on. For a while, he even believed that hell was meant to be his eternal punishment. Looking back on it, I suppose that was the desired effect, though being sent to heaven would have been far worse...

That was such a sad thought that Eddy frowned. His fingers were itching again, and he was filled with an almost nervous energy. Maybe Brett would feel like going somewhere with him. He needed something to distract him, and Brett always seemed to encompass his entire world when they were together, for better or for worse.

"Hey, Brett," he called out as he swung around the door frame to the living room, mindlessly catering to his love's obsession. "Wanna go get bubble tea?"

They made the executive decision that it was never too late to go get bubble tea.

Even as they walked, Brett was thinking about Gabriel. He just couldn't seem to keep his mind distracted. Here he was, strolling through the chilled downtown streets, hand in hand with his demon, yet his brain refused to let go of his conversation, so many weeks before.

Brett let his mind wander. He had just kidnapped Eddy when he had that first, half scary, half awkward conversation with Gabriel.

"Hello, Brett."

Whirling around, Brett was met with Gabriel's blank eyed stare. He could feel his blood chill. Almost immediately, he stood up straighter, fixing his slightly rumpled attire and standing at attention. He did his best not to gulp too noticeably. "Gabriel," he responded, voice shaking only slightly.

Gabriel's smile was artificial. "Long time no see, Brett. What has it been now, fifty, sixty years?"

Brett nodded slowly. "Yes sir, but I've been sending nearly constant updates, just like you asked, sir." Was he sweating? Oh gosh. This may have been the first time the archangel had actually spoken with him face to face in centuries

"Yes, and we see those come in every now and then," Gabriel responded. His sandy hair looked immaculate, even as a sharp gust of wind blew past the two of them. Brett wondered if it would be rude to sit down. He was feeling a little faint. "However, I am not here just to discuss reports with you. I do have places to be."

"Of course, sir." Brett waited for Gabriel to explain his presence. He tried to find the tempo of his heart rate, but that was an impractical exercise anyway, and he had never been the best at figuring out tempos on the spot.

"There's been an attack," Gabriel said, his gaze analytical.

Brett could feel his stomach drop. "On heaven?" He asked quietly.

"No, a human has been killed. Admittedly, a sinner, however, he appeared to die in less than plausible circumstances." Brett couldn't read Gabriel's face if he tried. "And while we wouldn't usually particularly..." Gabriel gestured offhand, "care, this one caught our attention."


"Yes," Gabriel mused. "The victim appeared to have been thrown against a wall using strength that only an angel could possess."

"I-I don't understand. I would never-" Lying is a sin, Brett thought guiltily, yet his mouth continued to move, almost against his own will.

"Oh, I must have misspoken." Gabriel's smile was nothing more than a professional courtesy. "Strength that only an angel or a demon could possess." He carried an air of satisfaction about him now, and Brett could feel his stomach drop. He had barely said anything at all, out of fear, yet he still felt that Gabriel had read him like an open book.

"So... you're just warning me," Brett clarified, "about the possibility of there being a demon working nearby."

"Exactly!" Gabriel said, his false brightness almost sickening to look at. His smile stretched just a little bit too wide across his face, and Brett felt himself mimic it. There they stood, equally misleading, equally distrusting. "That's all I'm doing here," Gabriel said.

"Hey! Earth to Brett!" Eddy was snapping his fingers in front of his face. Brett blinked the last traces of the memory from his eyes, frowning at being pulled back into reality, despite the vast upgrade in company.

"Sorry dude, sorry," he muttered apologies half under his breath.

"Are you doing okay, really?" Eddy asked him, softer now. "You've been kinda zoned out for a little bit."

Brett sighed. "Honestly, I'm not sure. I'll keep you updated." There was a moment of silence, during which Eddy joined him in his frowning. "I just feel bad. We're in the middle of a date and I'm just lost in my own world"

"No, no, don't feel bad!" Eddy was quick to reassure him. "Trust me dude, you have nothing to apologize for. I feel bad, I wish I could help you more." He gave him a small smile. "Hey, at least your hand feels a little less cold." He lightly squeezed Brett's palm.Brett just laughed a little bit, and stood on tiptoes to give him a kiss on the cheek. "I don't know where I'd be without you." 


A/N: Sorry guys! I know this one's a little lackluster, and I slipped and missed a day. I've been a little concerned with school stuff lately and it just kinda swamped me. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. 

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