Memory L C.R

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"Im Y/N and I have a girlfriend named Lee chaeryeong she is sweet,lovely,kind to everybody but one thing that is sad she has.







"We have been together for 4 years now before she had because of traumatic experience's at her old company but she moved to JYP and debuted as Itzy but she is always feel left out because of how she looks.

"I always tell her that she is really beautiful and she doesn't have to worry of what others can say towards her,But they still criticize her and dont support her at all.

"Meanwhile her sister Lee Chaeyeon is being loved by everyone while she is being hated by evryone while im always there to support her No Matter What,And i wont be bored of always telling her that im her Girlfriend

"I woke up early in the morning and looked at my right and see a beautiful angel lying right beside me.

"I kissed her forehead and stand up quietly heading to the bathroom and did my morning routine and after that headed to the kitchen to make breakfast to chae.

"I made pancakes with icing and strawberry on top,I get the small table for to eat on and I headed to the bedroom and saw her still asleep.

"I quietly woke her up and she opened her eyes revealing her beautiful brown eyes.

"Who are you?

Chae said while I just smiled at her.

"Im your Girlfriend silly.

I said smiling while placing icing on her nose.

"Oh and eat I already ate.

I said smiling but actually I lied i didnt ate yet because we ran out of food today and im going to the groceries later on.

"She ate quietly while looking at me while I just smiled at her.

"Are you sure your my girlfriend your really beautiful for a no talent girl like me.

she said while having pancakes at her mouth while I just look down.

"How can she remember those mean comments they throw at her while Im just her by her side since that time she got Alzheimer's it hurts.

"Not realizing a tear escaped my eyes and I looked at her with teary eyes but quickly looked away.

"Omo your crying im really sorry are you ok.

Chae asked while wiping my tears while I hugged her while crying on her neck.

"Oh chae you dont know how hurt am I seeing you in this state.

I mumbled.

"Shh dont cry shh.

Chae said comforting me.

"But my tears were cut off when I receive a call from Yeji.

"I broke our hug and told her im alright and she should eat her pancake before it gets cold.

"Hey yeji why did you call?

Oh Y/N i was wondering if we could visit Chae its been awhile since we saw her, How is she doing?

"She is alright chae is currently eating right now.

Oh but can we come by?

"Sure and look at her for me for awhile while I go get groceries.

IZ*ONE & ITZY (One Shots) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now