Envy can be useful after all

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Modern high school setting

Overprotective (jealous) crush x oc or vice versa


When your crush sees this happen to you and gets sent to the principal's office for bodily (fatal) harm of another student. Of course this was no surprise to all except you. You were somewhat oblivious to the fact that they liked you. A lot. Maybe a little too much. At least, that's what their therapist have been telling them.

They've kept this from you for a while now. From middle school up until your second year in high school. And over time it just continued to grow bigger from there. One day, the principal had requested that you showed the new student around, everything seemed fine until they started gushing non sense about how amazing your fight was during the Sports Festival. Okay, so a fan? Alright, cool...

Until the said student started to lean in. You freaked out and apparently, your crush had some freaky six sense, came out of nowhere and started to attack the poor kid on sight.  

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