A train ride with snowy tears

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Villain AU Soulmate Modern Setting

🧡Slice of Life /Romance/Fluff🧡

Crush x OC or Vice Versa

This was ridiculous. It was the same dream every night and still no sign of them. This was frustrating them as it was depressing. And that meant losing hope. Even for a bad guy. No one can truly live by themselves and be content with that loneliness after all. It just wasn't in human nature to do so. 

Not for too long, at least. 

In this said dream, the person who has the same colored light glowing from their heart signified that this was their soul mate. It has been that way since forever. So why it was always the same for them? Nothing but a gray and hollow, empty space in the middle of their chest where that color should be? 

Was this karma for all of the wrong doings they've done in the past? Punishment for not redeeming themselves and living among others normally in society as law abiding citizens? No, that can't be it. Society turned its back on them, not the other way around. 

With a job that paid minimal to the bare bottom, friends-or what they called 'friends' heckling and practically berating them for not finding their soul mate, it looked like they were ready to just throw in the towel already. 

Until the train station. 7:30 pm on the dot, on a Monday like always. Everything else around them was snowing. White. Empty. 

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