Chap 14

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Me: Payton where are you ??

Me: we're worried about you!!

Me: if you're reading this message please answer me! Your mom is about to call the police she's worried!

We called him 4 times again but he didn't pick up. Faith Joanne and I were sitting on the sidewalk.

We were about to call the police to tell them that Payton disappeared when he suddenly appeared of anywhere.

We all dropped a cries of relief. We were relieved. Joanne said :

" Payton where did you go we were worried ? Why didn't you pick up at your phone ??

Payton replied dryly: my phone ran out of juice."

He went in his house. But I stopped him :

"Payton can we talk please ?

Payton: I'm tired tomorrow please"

He went inside his house followed by Joanne and Faith. My brother Michael arrived in pajamas :

" Madds what are you doing here ? It's late. I thought you were already sleeping."

I didn't reply and run into his arms to hug him. I burst into tears.

I felt sad, lost and desperate. We went in my room and I told him what happened tonight.

He was beside himself because of the guy who punched me and the one who tried to kiss me.

"Who's these guys? Tell me their names I'm gonna break their arms!

Me: no you don't have to! But please don't tell dad about it!

Michael: if you don't tell me their names I'm gonna tell it to dad

Me: f*ck you

Michael: it's not the question it's for you

Me: I'd rather telling it to you.

Michael: okay who are these guys

Me: it's Kevin and Charles

Michael: damn I don't know Charles but Kevin looks familiar. Does he have blond hair ?

Me: yes and he's tall and has freckles.

Michael: seriously?

Me: yeah why?

Michael: I'm pretty sure that he's Jordan's brother

Me: excuse me but who's Jordan??

Michael: he's one of my new friends.. I'm gonna talk to him tomorrow

Me: please don't do anything stupid

Michael: don't worry I'm not gonna mess it up

Me: my life is already messed up.

Michael: don't say that it's gonna be better trust me.

Me: hmm, I'm gonna sleep thank you bro good night

Michael: good night Madds.

I laid on my bed and starting to cry. 30 minutes later I was sleeping.

(Skip time)

I woke up at 11am. I was still tired but it was late so i took a shower and dressed up. I went downstairs to have breakfast.

" my dad: hey Honey how are you

I replied lying: fine and you dad

My dad: fine I haven't see you since before yesterday.

Me: yeah that's true

My dad: how was the party yesterday night?

Me lying again: that was great !

My dad : cool! Oh well i forgot to tell you that I received my planning!

Me: oh yes how is it?

My dad: the first month is good ! The tour will start the next Saturday in San Diego not too far from here. Then the next weekend we're going to Phoenix. Then we'll have a weekend off and the last weekend we're going to Denver!

Me: oh it seems great I'm happy for you !

My dad: haha thank you madds. I have to go to my office see you later Madds!

Me: bye dad."

After my father's departure I went upstairs brush my teeth and went to Payton's house. I rang and he opened the door :

" hi Maddison

Me: hi payton, can I talk to you

Payton: I really have to see Jason it's very important can we talk when I'll come back?

Me: yeah of course."

Payton's POV
I really thought about it this night. I've got my decision but I'm still hesitating it isn't normal.

I went to Jackson's house and rang, he opened the door and said;

" hey Payton come in"

I entered and we sat on a sofa.

"Jackson: before anything I wanna tell you that I lost my tempered a little bit too fast yesterday and I am sorry. Really.

Me: so do you cancel your dilemma?

Jackson: no I won't cancel it because I really have to know if you care about me or not.

Me: of course I care about you!! That's why I chose you. It really breaks my heart to know that I won't talk to her again but I can't spoil our friendship. You're like a brother for me.

Jackson: I don't wanna hurt you bro, but thank you. It's warming my heart. No more girls between us ?

Me: yeah no more girl bro

Jackson: I love you bro, now you should talk to Maddison..

Me: yeah right, see you this afternoon?

Jackson: with pleasure see ya later"

I left him and I was on my way to talk to Maddison. I arrived at her home and I rang.

Maddison opened the door and i entered. We sat on a chair in the garden and I explained her my position:

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