Chapter 5. Snap

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The weeks rolled by and Knock Out found that his schedule was starting to pile up. Meaning that he would have less and less time to spend with his beloved's Silver Star. Which infuriated him to no end.  currently, he was in the ships laboratory, assisting shockwave with yet another one of his blasted projects. Knock Out was annoyed, To say the least. It wasn't too long ago that he was in charge of all things medical, and or scientific. Now, however, he appeared to be nothing more than shockwaves lab assistant, his monkey wrench, if you will.

   more and more frequently, shockwave would require Knock Out's help for this and that. One minute, it could be something as complex is pouring a beaker of some unknown substance into a beaker of another unknown substance. The next minute, it could be something as simple as reaching over and handing him a tool off a shelf., because apparently, the Almighty logical shockwave, was too lazy to get off his fat purple aft and get it himself.  needless to say, Knock Out did not have the highest opinion of shockwave at the moment.

  It was on this day, much like any other, that the medic found himself at shockwaves side, assisting him with goodness knows what. Knock Out was already on edge with irritation. As this would be the third night in a row, that he wouldn't get to see Starscream until the wee hours of the morning. Upon which, he would be so tired, he could do nothing more then collapse into the berth next to him, needing re-charge desperately.. "I require a blow torch",came shockwaves voice, monotone, and logical as ever. Knock Out wordlessly handed it to him, wanting more than ever to turn it on, and shove it in his face! 

  A few moments of uninterrupted silence past. Knock Out used this time to calm down, and try and get his impatience under control. He would see the commander when he'd see him. Quietly, so as not to disturb the scientist at work, he exvented. Regaining control of his sanity.  But to Knock Out's surprise, shockwave broke the silence. ",it is imperative that I complete this task swiftly for Lord Megatron. As you may or may not know,Knock Out, his Lordship has been on edge recently. Ever since we lost commander Starscream to open spark surgery. Lord Megatron has reason to believe the Autobots might be planning something."

  Knock Out attempted to tune shockwave out. He wasn't really interested in what the scientist had to say about Megatron,of all mechs. But what shockwave said next, caught the medics attention.  "personally, I never believed that commander Starscream was fit to be his lordships second in command. I do believe that dreadwing and I are doing a much better job filling the position then Starscream ever could have alone.  Starscream was an arrogant, egotistical, overconfident slag head, And may he rust in pieces, where ever his  sorry corpse ended up.

  Knock Out, was, furious!  no one, disrespected his star and got away with it. Knock Out could feel the rage within him boiling, his optics, getting brighter, the syrupy sweet, deadly looking smile gracing his face plates. he would end this mech, right here and now! Then, he had an idea. ",listen", knock Out began. ",you certainly have been working on this project for a long time. Perhaps, you could use a little refuel?","while it is true that my fuel levels are a tad lower than I would like them to be. I must not falter in my work. Lord Megatron comes first, and everything else is second.","nonsense, how can you be expected to perform admirably for Lord Megatron, if you yourself are not in Tip top physical condition? Don't worry, As your assistant, I'd be more than happy to bring you some energon."

  "very well", said shockwave, dissmissedly waving Knock Out off with his free servo.  knock Out wasted no time. first, he visited the energon Storage unit, and picked up two cubes. One for shockwave, and one for himself, so as not to seem suspicious. then, he rushed to the med bay. At once, he began to sort through his many vials of assorted chemicals. "Now", he thought to himself. What can I put in here that would be strong enough, and toxic enough, to do him in?" After a few more minutes of searching, he finally retrieved a small vile Of yellowish liquid. An extremely toxic, and potent form of poison.  "Yes, this will be perfect!" 

  Knock Out made short work, of pouring it in one of the cubes, and thoroughly mixing it in. Yes, it was true that the energon now looked a bit discolored. Appearing more of a turquoise than a rich blue. But Knock Out was betting on the fact that shockwave would be far too preoccupied with his work to truly notice, and by the time he did, it would be too late. after all, the poison was so strong, that only one sip, one quick little swallow, would be required to kill him.

  "here we are", Knock Out began, jovially placing down the tainted cube in front of shockwave.  ",much appreciated", shockwave replied, already beginning to bring the cube to what would have been his mouth. "Weight", knock Out said, wanting to do one final thing. ",cheers, to your success on your work, and your everlasting, health." They touched their cubes together, and both took a sip.  it wasn't long, before shockwave began to sputter, and cough. Eventually, he started full on choking. His muscles began to spasm. He began to lose full control of his limbs. In his fit to try and catch his breath, he ended up dropping the cube of energon. It made a sickly bluish green splatter all over the Metal floor.

   "oh my, dear shockwave. What is happening to you?", knock Out asked nonchalantly, casually. As calm, cool, and collected, as ever.  knock Out couldn't help it, after a few minutes of just standing there, watching shockwave suffer,, he began to laugh, and once he started, he just couldn't stop. What started as quiet snickering evolved into full-fledged laughter. Knock Out optics burn bright as he threw his head back and laughed at the dying mech before him. ", oh shockwave, can't you see? No one is going to be able to help you in time. The poison is already working its way into your spark. This is exactly what you get, you know? For disrespecting and belittling my star. Who is very much alive, I'll have you know. I can tell you this, because you're about to die. i've been taking great care of him. But because of you, I haven't been able to see him as much as I'd like to lately. All because you, keep requesting my help for One thing or another. It's always Knock Out, get this, knock Out, do that! Do I ever get a thank you? No sir, I do not!"

"you know shockwave, no one is going to miss you. You know that, right? The vehicons Gossip about you behind your back. Did you know that? I'll just bet you didn't. You claim to be all knowing, and all logical. But you know what you are? I'll tell you what you really are."
At this point, shockwave had fallen over. Knock Out bent down, looking into his slowly dimming optic, as he whispered these last few words. "You, are a worthless piece of shit.  No one is going to miss you, and do you know why? It's because when Starscream and I eventually take over the Decepticons, and win the war, everyone is going to be too focused on that to even bother grieving over you." 

  "Now, all that's left to do is wait for you to finish dying, then I must properly dispose of your body. But before that, I should get a prize out of this whole thing. Something to bring home to my beloved star. To prove to him that the task has really been done. Something tells me, me telling him will not be enough proof. Hmmm, I think this optic will do quite nicely." before shockwave could even fully register what was going on through his dying processors. Knock Out had transformed his left sservo into his classic drill bit. Then, all at once, shockwave felt the immense pain, as Knock Out began carving his oversized optic right out of his own heln.

  Knock Out watched in fascination, and delight as the warm energon of shockwave began to splatter everywhere. There was something oddly satisfying to the medic about being. covered  head to toe in the lifeblood of your adversaries. At last, the now completely black optic came free from the rest of shockwave. Leaving nothing, but a gaping hole in its place. Knock Out also detected, via a quick medical scan, that shockwaves spark had also ceased to function. The task was complete. Now all there was left to do was dispose of the body, clean up the evidence, and return to his beloved star..


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