Chapter 1: Running into old faces

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Aryn swam as fast as she could away from the angry leviathan. She still didn't know what made him angry in the first place, She was just describing Rachel and he just blow up at her. Her only thought at the moment was just to just away from him and get back to base.

She was not paying any attention to where she was going when she crashed into something or rather...someone. "Aahh!!" Aryn yelled as she crashed into the person. "Wwaahh!!!" The other person said. She heard other voices calling out things like 'Oh my god!' and 'Are you okay?' She shook her head and looked up. She gasped at what she saw. Three more people from the ship.

She had crashed into Diego, the ship's comedian and repairmen. "Oh, Hello! I knew I should watch out from fish that might ran me over. Didn't think I should watch out from swimmer that might cause a hit and crash!" He said with a smile. Aryn was still in shock, but she shook it off and throws her arms around his neck. "DIEGO!! OH MY GOD!! YOUR ALIVE!!! I THOUGHT IT WAS ONLY ME, ADAM AND AQUA WERE THE ONLY ONES!!!" She screamed in his ear.

"Aaahh, now I'm half deaf." He said as he rubbed his ear. "Sorry, Diego. I'm just very happy to see you." She said with a smile. "Hey, what about us?" A calmer voice spoke. Aryn turned around and saw two other people. She smiled even more when she saw them.

Snips and Grog heard something going on and swam over to see what was going on. When they got close enough to see what was happening and they saw the same human from before. Not she was with other humans. 'Levi is not going to like this, but maybe he will change his mind about humans.' Snips thought. Him and Grog just stay where they were and watched.

Aryn hugged the other two people. "Lily, May!! It is so good to see you two again!!" Lily and May both smiled at her and hugged her back. They talked for a few minutes and then Aryn gasped. Diego looked at her for moment, "What?" he asked. She then looked at them, "Come on. Let's get back to the base. I'll tell you there." She said. They all looked at each other and then followed her.

Snips and Grog watched and then looked at one another. "Well, more humans to watch." Grog said, "And more chances for them to be eaten by Levi." Snips finished. They knew that Levi hated humans but given how he has been acting. Maybe, just maybe he might give humans a chance. They then swam away and went to do their own thing.

Location change: Home Sea Base

Aryn and the others swam into the base. Diego smiled and as he climbed out over the water. "Finally, out of the water and on dry land!! Kind of?" He said loudly. This caught Aqua's attention. She then came to see what was going on. When she turned the corner, she saw some of the other crew members.

She had heard about Diego and was glad he was like Adam. She remembered when she first meet him. She was very glad about that to.


Aqua stormed her way back to her room. She was very angry with almost everyone on this ship. She was done with all of the males ether flirting with her or being raciest about her. She was just so fucking done with it. She didn't know when she had closed her eyes she only did when she walked right into someone. She looked up to see someone she hadn't meet yet. And low and behold it was another male.

"Uh!! If you say one thing, I'm-" She did even finish what she was going to say, when she heard, "Oh, hi. Sorry for standing in the middle of the road. I was looking over my repair list." He said. She just looked at him, "You're not going to flit with me??" She asked trying to think. He looked at her with a widened eyed expression. "W-what? No! Unless you want me to, I only flirt with men." He said. 'He doesn't like females?'

"You're not going to be raciest ether?" she asked again, hope she knew the answer. "I'm African, my friend. I know the feeling of being criticized like that. I'm not going to stoup so low and do the same thing to others who are like me or not." He said with solemn smile. She sighed in relief that he was not like other males on the ship or some of the females for that matter. "I'm Diego by the way." He said with a smiled. "I'm Aqua."

*end of flashback*

She walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. He, in turned looked at her. "Oh hey, Bluu." She smiled. She liked the nickname he give her. She then looked other to the other members. She knew who May was, the shy cook on the ship. However, she didn't know who the other girl was. She was almost seven foot tall. She had heard of a woman on the ship that was almost seven foot.

Now she knew who it was, she went over to her, "Um...hi. I'm Aqua..." she was not sure how to talk to someone who is taller then her or anyone one she had seen. Aqua could feel the woman looking at her. "Well, my name is Lily. It is very nice to meet you Aqua. Sorry if I intimidate you, I have that effect on everyone." Aqua smiled, she had a feeling that she was going to get along well with her. Aryn smiled as she watched everyone talk when she heard footsteps.

She looked and saw Adam coming. Adam saw the other crew members and gasped. Diego, May and Lily looked over and their smiles got wider. Adam was the first one to run at them. The others let Adam crash into them in a hug. "I'M SO GLAD TO SEE YOU GUYS AGAIN!!! I THOUGHT THAT YOU GUYS DDIE IN THE CRASH, I'M GLAD I WAS WRONG!!" He said to them as they hugged him. "We're glad to see you to man!" May and Diego said at the same time. "I'm glad you're okay Adam and what happen to your arm??" Lily asked.

Diego and May looked at his arm. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO JINXE IT, MAN!!" Diego said. "What happen, Adam?" May asked him. Adam told them that his arm was ripped off by an angry Reaper. "Well, it is a good thing I had us all fixed with prosthetics in case somethings like this happened. I also had the blueprints for them to." Adam smiled and say that he will keep the one he has on as a backup if needed.

Aqua and Aryn looked at that with smiles, they knew Adam and the others were friends by the way that acted. They all start work on they own things. Diego went with Lily to start work on Adam's new arm. May stared work on making the base bigger. Aqua and Aryn work on other things, Aryn was still trying to find out more about Rachel.

Location change: the Aurora crash site

Levi Laid down on some of the wreckage that was left by the humans that came here before. He had heard Snips and Grog talking about more humans. 'Great, more things to bother me. I hate humans, but they seem to leave me alone for the most part.' He thought. He looked over to a small tombstone. He frowned, he wished she was here and that he was not alone.

Levi then saw the humans that Snips and Grog were talking about. He growled and was about to more over to them, but he heard, "Oh, Let's go somewhere else be fore we become dinner for him." The voice was male and seem to talk the he didn't like them being there. He watched as they left. He was very confused at that point. He thought they would scream at the sight of him.

Levi laid back down, for some reason he was tried and normally he didn't get tried. 'Maybe a quick nap won't hurt.' He closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Location change: Unknown

A large leviathan swam though a somewhat small area where not many leviathans live. He was lucky that he was able to fit in this area thanks to Tred for finding a spot where the entrance is much bigger. He was hoping to talk to her but he was not sure with her.

Females of his species were very aggressive, a little bit more then the males. She was just a juvenile, but she was much stronger then most. He then saw he was in the Bone Field. She lived here, how he would never know. When he saw the Gargantuan skull, he knew that he would have to wait for her. "What are you doing here?" A voice said. "I was hoping to talk to someone who wasn't my mate and the other Ghosts in the canter." He said to her.

"Well, you came to the right place. What is your name?" She asked. He looked unsure but answered her. "My name is-"

End of chapter 1

Ghost in The Lost(A Subnautica Fanfiction) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now