Chapter 3: Dream the Past, Wake the Present(Part 1)

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Location: the Aurora crash site

Levi woke to feeling something biting his tail. He looked around sleepily and saw that he had a Bleeder on his injury. He growled and then tried to kill it, but he could not get it. So, he just went to see if rubbing his tail against something will get the pest off. He swam over to a spot he thought would work. He moved over the spot to get the Bleeder off.

He was able to, but now his injury was bleeding. He saw that he had torn the skin apart very badly. He did not want to be near the human again so he just went to his spot again. He then looked back at his wound and saw that all of the stitches that the human put it were gone too. 'It will have to wait until I'm little stronger and more wake."' He thought. He didn't even know that his eyes closed.

Time skip...

Snips and Grog were going to see if Levi wanted to come with them to see what the humans were doing. They did see that they were up to something and wanted to know. They were heading over to him. "Hey, Levi want to come see what the humans are building?" Snips asked, but he got no answer. " awake?" Grog asked. Still nothing came from Levi.

Snips swam over to face Levi's face. "Hmm, I think he's sleep still." He said. Grog nodded, then looked over. "Uhh, Snips..." "Hmm?" Snips looked at him. Grog pointed to Levi's tail. A steam of greenish-yellow blood was coming off of his tail. "Oh crud, help me move his tail." Snips said as he and grog move Levi's tail.

Snips saw that Levi's tail was ripped nearly to shreds. "Looks like his tail was cot on something." "And we are going to need the humans help. None of us know how to help him." Grog said to Snips. Snips said he will stay here and that he should go and get the humans. Grog nodded and want to find the humans.

With the humans...

May, Diego and Lily were working on building another base for them to work in. Lily said it would get them move room to work in. May was looking at some of the resources they would need for the Moonpool. She then looked over to see something was on Diego's leg. "Uh, Diego...," He looked over to her, "Yeah?" She pointed down and said, "You, um, have something on your leg." He then looked down.

"WHAT IN THE WORLD!!?" Diego said in surprise. Lily then looked over. "What?" She said as she swam over. "LOOK AT THIS!" Diego said pointing down to his leg. Lily looked at Diego left leg and saw a purple, red and white little animal on his leg. It was looking at them with big gray eyes. "Well, let us see what you are." Lily said as she took out her scanner.

Diego was still freaking out and May was try not to laugh at it. "Well, it looks like this little guy here is just a baby. He's also a Crabsnake." "Well, what is he doing here? He very far from the jelly-shroom cave." May said. "AND WHY IS HE ON MY LEG. WHAT AM I, A JUGLE JIM!?" Diego said. May and Lily laughed, "Oh, come on Diego. He's kinda cute." May said, Diego looked back down at the Crabsnake and it looked back with its big eyes.

Diego then made a sound like sounded like he just choked on something. "I just died internally from cuteness." They all laughed at that. May then felt something swam into her. "Oh god, I'm sorry, but I need help!!" May turned to look and saw a panicking Gasopod. "Hey, what's wrong?" May said trying to calm him down. "My friend is hurt really bad and we know next to nothing about trying to help him!" He said to them.

Lily frowned, "May, you and I will help his friend and Diego see about getting this little guy home and get back to base and let Aqua know we may need some more help." Diego and May nodded. May and Lily left with the Gasopod to help his friend and Diego went to the Jelly-shroom cave. Lily then looked around, "So, can you tell us who your friend is. That way we have an idea on what we may need to do to help them." "and can you tell us your and their names?" May asked. "Well, my name is Grog and I have another friend named Snips, but my friend Levi is the one hurt. He's a Reaper Leviathan."

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