Chapter 2: New faces

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Location: Home Sea Base

Adam smiled as he worked on some of the base with May. She had asked him for help in building onto the base. He was more then happy to help. They have been working form a few hours now and were waiting for Diego and Lily to get back. Adam's thoughts started to drift. He thought about Levi, He didn't know why but he somewhat liked him.

'WHY AM I THINKING LIKE THAT! HE TOOK MY ARM OFF!!! But he didn't kill me when he and I were in that cave or let me drown in the first place.' He thought, he looked over to May. "Hey, May. Can I ask you something?" she looked over to him, "Yeah, what do you need?" He looked unsure for a moment before asking, " What would you call something like falling for your attacker?" She looked at him before saying, " I would call it Stockholm Syndrome. Why, do you like your attacker even after they took your arm?"

Adam's face went completely red, "WHAT!? NO, I DO NOT LIKE HIM. HE ALMOST KILLED ME WHEN HE RIPPED MY ARM OFF!!? HOW COULD I LIKE HIM?!" he said to her. May giggled and listened to him rant about it. They didn't see Lily or Diego coming over to them. Lily cleared her throat and Adam looked over to her with a still red face. "Oh, hey guys." He said nervously. "Come on Adam, We have anything to make your new arm and we need Aqua to help get it on right." Diego said pulling Adam away. Lily watched as they left.

"So, what was that about?" She said turning to look at May. May told Lily that Adam may or may not like the Reaper Leviathan that attacked him. Lily smiled and looked back that way. "So, what should we do now?" She asked. Lily looked back and said, "Well you can help me out. I need someone to help me study some of the leviathans and some of the biomes here." May looked nervous before saying, "What leviathans do you want me to study for you?"

Lily asked her to help with the Lost River and get more information on the Ghost Leviathan. May said she could but would like it if Diego would help her with the Carter's edge since most of the Ghost Leviathans live there. Lily nodded.


Adam opened his eyes and looked around him, "Hey bud, how are you feeling? Any pain?" Diego asked him as Aqua help Adam sit up. Adam shock his head as he looked at his left arm. The Sliver acrylic arm looked like his real arm. He try to move it little and saw that it move when he thought it should. "Well, the arm moves like it should and the acrylic is water prove so you can swim with it like Lily can."

Adam smiled at Diego and Aqua. "Thanks guys, this will make things a little easier for me and I will keep the other arm just in case something happens to this. Is that okay Aqua?" She nodded saying that she will keep the arm in her room. "Oh, we also were able to keep the portal gun in this arm. At less you will be 'arm'ed for any trouble that may come your way." Diego said with a goofy smile. Adam and Aqua started to laugh at the pun he made. "OH GOD, DIEGO WHY!!" Adam laughed. May and Lily heard the laughing

They didn't even need to ask why they were laughing. They all looked over to Lily as she asked them to help her with her mission. "So, what do you need me to do, Lil." Diego asked. Lily said that Diego would help May out when she would head for the Carter's Edge and would help with the Lost River too. She told Adam that he would help her out with the biomes around them.

"Even when the Aurora is?" He asked. "Yes, but we won't go that very often. Aryn, Aqua, You two will help out if we ran into problems and lets us know if we need something. However, you two can so go to the Blood Kelp Zone for information too." They nodded to her and they all turned in for the night.

Location change: Carter Edge

A Ghost Leviathan and a Reefback were talking. It was nothing really important, they were just talking. "So, things were just get a little too much for him and he snapped at him...again. I don't know why he is that but he need to leave him along or he will be eaten." The Reefback said. Her name was Ten, but she was sometimes called Rain. "Sounds like he is going to be eaten if not by Levi then by someone else." The Ghost Leviathan said. His name was Zora.

Ghost in The Lost(A Subnautica Fanfiction) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now