Chapter 2 - Well Fuck...

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Natsu Groaned as sunlight assaulted his eyes. The soft golden hues were still too bright for his eyes. His head felt like it was trapped in a vice. He rolled over to find himself half laid on Gray's chest. His eyes went wide and he cursed. "Well fuck" he breathed heavily in frustration as he dragged himself out of the bed. Sore and stiff he quickly donned his clothes and despite the pain in his body and his instincts screaming at him to go back to the alpha , he left. He should of known when his stomach started cramping what was happening. He'd an omega. Lucy and Mira had made him read a ton of books on the whole coming of age dynamic process , he'd accidentally let it slip that he hadn't presented and suddenly everyone was up in arms about it. Sure he was a little late , if he was the same age as Gray like he assumed he was then he should of presented two years ago. But he didn't. But it wasn't that big of deal right? Natsu sniffled as he limped down the silent streets of magnolia. Now he saw why it was such a big deal. 'I fucked up big time' he though to himself. It was early in the morning and barely anyone was out yet. So Natsu was able to make his escape to his house without anyone seeing him. Happy wasn't there. He must of stayed with Wendy and Carla. Natsu sniffled and rubbed at the tears that slowly trickled down his cheeks. "I'm so stupid...I lost my virginity to my rival. If Gray remembers anything he's going to kill me...." Natsu felt weak and dizzy , like his magic was benign drained. He suddenly had a flashback to something Igneel had told him when he was a kid and he kicked him self for not being more cautious.
"Natsu , one day when your older and you've presented as your secondary gender there's something you must always remember. If you present as an omega , when you find your mate and have sex with them and become pregnant , your pregnancy will only last for 3 months where as a normal omegas would be 9 months. You'll show signs if being pregnant sooner than a normal omega and the baby will drain your magic. Be careful child." Igneel said seriously. Little Natsu stuck out his tongue. "I don't wanna do dirty things with someone Igneel , thats icky." Igneel laughed gently. "When your older and your hormones kick in you'll soon change your mind. Just remember what I said okay?"

Natsu swore under his breath. If he was feeling weak like he was being drained if his magic...then there was a strong chance he was pregnant. Pregnant with Gray's child. Gray hated him...he wouldn't want him never mind the burden of a child. But Natsu didn't want to get rid of it. He knew the pain of being abandoned and he couldn't bring himself to end a life that had barely even begun. He could feel the baby's life inside his stomach. He put his hands over his toned stomach and traced a heart over his soft skin. "Hey baby...I'm going to protect matter what , even if it means I'm going to have to leave Fairytail." He rubbed away more tears and took a deep breath before grabbing clothes and putting them in his travel bag. He had to keep pausing to wipe away tears. He sighed heading to the bathroom and grabbed his toiletries. He didn't have much , just the basics such as a hair brush , tooth brush , toothpaste , moisturiser and some skin care products. He sighed picking up a framed picture off his bedside table. It was him with all the guild. He hugged it to his chest and sobbed. "I'm so sorry...." he whispered as he put it in his bag and closed it. He rubbed his eyes roughly with his sleeves and went to the kitchen. He made himself breakfast and a warm drink to calm his nerves. Then with a heavy heart , he wrote a letter to the guild. When he'd finished he sealed the letter and grabbed his bag. He walked through the still silent streets and crept into the guild through the window leaving the note on Masters desk before disappearing just as fast as he'd came. Hot tears ran down his cheeks again as he made his way to the train station. 'This is really it...I'm leaving Fairytail." He boarded the first train of the morning. He curled up in a ball and tried to ignore his motion sickness. He fell asleep from exhaustion pretty soon and didn't wake again until the train jolted to a stop. He opened his eyes with a muffled groan as the train conductor made his announcement. "We have Now arrived in Oak town. Our next stop is Acalypha town." Natsu decided this was as good a stop as any so he got off the train , he didn't have any idea of where he was going to go and he didn't want to ride the train anymore so he'd stop here. He stepped out onto the platform located in a fairly rural area , there was loads of trees and mountains. He walked through the forest staying away from the actual village area in case any guilds were located there. He eventually found an abandoned cottage in a large clearing , it was an ideal place with a river close by and plenty of Space for training. It would need cleaning up though. But right now he was too tired and upset to clean. He entered the house and put his bag down. He searched the house in case it wasn't abandoned after all but there was no one and no supplies. The cottage was actually massive. It even had its own library , the books were the only remnants that someone once lived here. They were old and worn and were mostly spell books which Natsu decided would come in handy. The kitchen was pretty bare but thankfully not too dirty and there was no cockroaches. Just a layer of dust that needed cleaning. The living room was also quiet dusty and there was a rip in the sofa. The wallpaper would also need replacing as it was peeling at the corners. The bathroom was also pretty clean expect dust , no bugs or gross surprises , however the light didn't work so that would need replacing too. The bedroom was the cleanest , the wallpaper was fine and the lights worked , once again the only problem was dust. Sniffling he laid down on the slightly dusty bed and cried once more. But this time it was a full on break down. He sobbed and screamed into the dusty pillow until he choked from a mixture of dust and his tears. He coughed and hiccuped a few times before the tears started all over again. He cried until he passed out. Unaware of a glowing white light in the corner of the bedroom. The glowing figure mumbled something and the entire house was transformed into a clean , brand new cottage. The wallpaper and carpeting for each room changed. Red , white , black and gold accents. The room warmed up to a moderate warmth that kept the chill at bay but didn't feel like you were stuck in a sauna. The dust disappeared. The lights were all fully functional. The cupboards were stocked with food and cooking utensils. The white light moved towards the bed and a slender pale hand reached for the blanket , draping it over Natsu's body. "Goodnight young dragon'll be alright dear child. I'll watch over you and your baby." The light whispered softly in a melodic feminine voice. The light faded away into nothing like it was never there at all.
*at fairytail*
It was around lunch time now and most people were lounging around still recovering from the party. Natsu hadn't appeared yet which made some worry. Master also wasn't there because he was still passed out from drinking too much. Gray had felt kind of confused that morning. He'd awoken naked (although that wasn't out of the ordinary) , he had also felt really sore and when he went to take a shower he noticed hickeys on his neck. If he'd taken someone home with him and had a little fun then where was that person and why did they take off before he woke up? He felt bad if he had done something with someone especially if that someone was from the guild , because the least he could of done would of been to make the person breakfast , but the person didn't stick around long enough. He couldn't remember much as his head was still fuzzy , he remembered going upstairs and to the balcony for some fresh air , then he remembered talking to someone and kissing them , it had felt had felt right. The person was a good kisser whoever they were , they had soft plump lips , although they'd been shy and hesitant like it was their first time. But he couldn't for the life of him think who it was. Suddenly master emerged from his office where he fell asleep. However his eyes were red and filled with tears. He was clutching a letter in his shaking fist. His entire body trembled with suppressed emotions. "Master? What's the matter?" Erza asked firmly. Master gulped. "This letter...was left on my's from Natsu." Lucy tilted her head. "From Natsu? He isn't even here yet? What does it say master?" She asked as she started to panic. Had something happen to the dragon slayer. "I w-will read it o-out...." the little old man stuttered sadly. He took a deep breath and read.

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