Chapter 3 - Hikari

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Natsu blinked his eyes open , he felt dazed and his head hurt. He sat up his hair messy from sleeping. He let out a tiny high pitched sneeze that sounded like a mouse squeaking. He sniffled. "Must be from the dust..." he got out of the bed and noticed the change in colour scheme. " wasn't like this when I fell asleep right?" He looked around the rest of the house. "Woah...who did this?" He asked out loud. "I did." Said a soft voice. Natsu whirled around ready to fight if needed , in front of him was a girl with long lilac hair and eyes. Flowers were intertwined with her hair. She had a petite slightly curvy figure and soft milky skin. She was wearing a kimono however the hem was torn. But her most striking features were the purple dragon horns spiralling from her head and the fact she was levitating off the ground. Natsu blinked. "Um-who are you?" He asked a slight nervous edge to his voice. "Sorry I didn't mean to startle you. I'm Hikari , I fixed this place up while you were asleep. I'm a dragon spirit and I'm here to help you." She smiled sweetly. "A dragon spirit?" Natsu titled his head in confusion. "Yes. I'm a dragon , but I'm dead. This is my human form. All dragons have a human form. You'll see my true form at some point. But right now my main priority is looking after you. You've had a hard day. I'll make you something to eat and drink. You just relax a little okay?" Natsu nodded. He grabbed a book from the library and his blanket from the bed and curled up on the sofa. He'd managed to find a book on pregnancy's so he sat and read it. He needed to to be prepared. Hikari placed a bowl of ramen and some hot chocolate on the coffee table. "Here you go." Natsu smiled gratefully. "Thank you." He was glad his morning sickness didn't kick in because the food was amazing and he didn't want to throw it back up. He sighed as he read over the book again. There were so many things he had to avoid and be careful of if he wanted his baby to be okay. He didn't want to do this alone...he wanted Gray. He started to cry again without realising it. Hikari rushed to comfort him , she pulled him into a cuddle and patted his hair like a mother would. "Shhh don't cry little Dragon. You're going to be okay , I'll look after you and train you. Your baby will be okay. I promise." Natsu sniffled and snuggled closer to her. Hikari had a motherly scent and it made him feel better. He finished his hot chocolate and ended up falling into a deep sleep with his head on Hikari's shoulder.
*at the guild*

At the guild everyone was nursing their broken spirits. Wendy had cried so hard she'd fallen asleep. Carla was asleep on her chest. Gray had his face buried in his hands , tears rolling down his cheeks. Natsu was really gone. He got up and stormed out of the guild. "Should someone go after him?" Lucy asked between sniffles and sobs. Gageel shook his head. "Leave him Bunny girl. He needs some space." Levy was sobbing into Gageel's arm while he rubbed her back. Although he didn't show it , he was also very upset about Natsu leaving , he'd never admit it but Natsu was like a little brother to him. He was also worried about the missing dragon slayers health. He'd known almost instantly that the pinkette was an omega , and depression for an omega could end disastrously , especially without an alpha with them to comfort them. By the sounds of it Natsu was alone , which didn't bode well for his mental health. Gageel sighed pulling Levy closer. Hopefully salamander would be alright. Where ever he was , whatever he was doing , Gageel just wanted him to be okay.

Gray heaved for air , he stood in the middle of the forest panting , his knuckles were bruised , split open and bleeding. He'd been relentlessly punching a tree trying to release his pent up anger , frustration and sadness. "Now I'll never be able to tell him how I feel....he left thinking I hate him...I've got to find him." He mumbled to himself. He ran to his house and grabbed a jacket before running down the street like his life depended on it. He didn't even see the person in front of him until he slammed right into them. He let out a slight noise of pain and looked up. He'd ran into Laxus. The 2nd generation lightening dragon slayer had come outside to get some air , the depressed aura of Fairytail was too much for him. He raised an eyebrow. "Running off to find Natsu? Look , Gramps is getting a search party together , just wait for them to arrive and we'll find Natsu together. If you run off you'll create more problems." He grabbed Gray by the collar and dragged him back to the guild. Gray grumbled and slumped back into his seat sulking. He scratched at the wood on the table , staring at it like it was the table who was to blame for Natsu running away. He was lost in a whirlpool of his negative thoughts and hadn't even realised that ice had started to coat the walls , ceiling and floor. The others started shivering and their breath created clouds of smoke like vapour. "Gray...? I know your upset but your kind of turning us into human popsicles" Lucy said softly. Gray looked up and realised he'd frozen half the guild hall. "Shit sorry..." he got rid of the ice and sighed staring into space. Lucy sat next to him and rubbed his back causing Juvia to Glare. "You love him...don't you?" She asked gently a small smile on her face. Gray blinked at the sudden question. He fumbled over his words. Did he love Natsu? " do love him..." he sighed as he admitted it. Hearing himself say it out loud brought a fresh wave of pain and guilt. He buried his head into his hands and broke down. Natsu was gone. His sobs broke the hearts of fairytail. "Gray it isn't your fault Natsu is gone." Lucy said trying to reassure him.  "I am to blame! He's right , I was mean to him on the first day because I wasn't good at expressing my feelings and I still didn't trust people...but he didn't deserve it and now he thinks I hate him and now he's gone! Now I c-can n-never tell I really feel..." he broke off at the end of his mini rant and choked harshly on his tears. Lucy rubbed his back and he leant his head on her shoulder and cried. "Shhh it's was a misunderstanding , Natsu doesn't hate you Gray , he doesn't hate anyone in the guild. Even Gageel , and those two were starting to fight as much as you two did. Suddenly the door opened and a large group of wizards stepped into the guild. It was a mixture of blue Pegasus , lamia scale , Sabertooth and mermaid heel wizards. Master Makarov's search party. Milliana hugged Erza tightly. "Hi Erzie Werzie~ i wish we could hang out but we need to find your friend first." Suddenly another two people appeared. "That's right doll~" Erza's eyes filled with tears. "Wally...sho , Your here too?" She asked softly. "Yeah. Wally became a fan of Natsu , and we're always willing to help our sister." Sho smiled. Milliana hugged them both. Master looked at the group. "Alright , we need a plan , judging by the sounds of Natsu's letter...he's upset...he's scared of us. He seems to think we're angry at him , so he won't come easily. He also won't want to be found , he'll have made it hard for us to track him. So the tracking will have to fall on the dragon slayers shoulders. They have better senses than us , they may be able to track him by his scent. Then we'll have to try to convince him to come back...if that fails then we have to drag him home." Master said. Everyone nodded. They'd do whatever it takes to save their friend , and with that they set off on their search for Natsu.
*with Natsu and Hikari*
Natsu sighed as he sat on the grass with a bunch of spell books and papers in front of him. While he couldn't learn any new magic until he'd given birth , it didn't hurt to make early preparations. He was slowly going through all the magic books and making notes on fire spells and dragon slayer spells he could learn. Hikari watched over him as she picked fresh berries from the forest. He paused every so often to rub his stomach and speak to his baby in a soft doting voice. Hikari could already tell he was going to be a good parent. She finished gathering the sweet fresh berries and took them inside then she sat down next to Natsu. "So how's the spell hunting going?" She asked with a smile. "Well I found a ton of cool spells , too bad I can't do magic right now. Some of them sound extremely powerful and destructive though...i destroy too much as it is..." he hung his head tearfully. Hikari wrapped her arms around him and rubbed his back. "Shhh don't cry...that's why I'm here silly~ I'll teach you to control your power." Natsu hugged her tightly and sniffled. Once he calmed down he blushed in embarrassment. "Sorry...i keep breaking down on your shoulder." He apologised. Hikari shook her head lightly. "It's no trouble , I'm here to help you , not just with your magic but just to help in general. Now let's get you inside , we don't want you to get sick." She helped Natsu pick up the books papers and the blanket then they trooped back inside and prepared their lunch of Origiri rice balls and berry pie for dessert.
The search party wandered through forests and over deserts , took train after train and asked everyone They came across if they'd seen a spikey pink haired boy wearing a white scaly scarf. No one had...Natsu seemed to be alluding them. Gray was becoming more depressed by the second. Kagura looked at Erza. "Your friend looks rather upset and your other friend has do we proceed?" Erza sighed and looked at master Makarov. "We'll search until sun down then we'll set up camp and continue the search tomorrow if we haven't found him." They nodded and continued searching. Gray was picking at his fingers anxiously. His fingers were starting to bleed from where he'd picked the skin. As the sky turned orange they made camp. Gray was too restless to sleep however. He just wanted Natsu back.
Natsu had saw them through the window , Hikari had put a concealment spell on the cottage so he was safe. As much as he wanted Gray he was to scared. He was currently stress eating his second slice of berry pie , while reading over his pregnancy book and drinking freshly squeezed berry juice. Eventually he couldn't keep his eyes open any longer and he dozed off on the couch. Hikari giggled softly and carried him to bed. For such a petite women she had incredible strength , though it didn't take much to lift Natsu as he was very light.

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