Chapter 6 - Foxy

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Levy frowned as she watched gageel. She could tell that everything that had happened was really effecting him. He was faking being strong , trying to put on a brave face for her and for everyone else. Especially Wendy who thought of Natsu as a big brother. But Gageel also thought of Natsu as a brother. And now his little brother was dead. And it had happened in the town that Gageel grew up in. She knew horrible things must have happened there , she wanted Gageel to open up but she was worried about what she might end up hearing. It was obvious he'd been through a lot. Questions like how he got the scars on his arm ran through her head. She sighed reaching over to pet his hair. He flinched slightly before relaxing when he realised it was just her. He kept his face pressed against his folded arms that were resting on the table. He was idly scratching the wood with his nail that had turned into a silver iron talon , creating a fairly deep groove in the wood. "Uh...Gageel...? If you keep scratching the table you'll wear through the wood..." Lucy said softly. Her voice was devoid of her usual peppiness and dried tear tracks marred her face. Natsu was her best friend besides Levy , without him she wouldn't of joined Fairytail. His death had heavily effected her. "Hm...Sorry bunny girl..." Gageel mumbled , his nail returning to normal as he curled his hands into fists to stop himself from damaging the table anymore. The nickname he'd given Lucy lacked it's usual playful bite. He just lacked the energy or interest in teasing anyone. Because Natsu was his main source of teasing and now he was gone. Levy continued petting Gageel's hair , just trying to offer him some small form of comfort. Most people had chosen to wallow in their depression...but other members were in denial. Especially Romeo. "There's no way he's dead! Natsu's still out there and we have to go looking for him!" He yelled out indignantly. His voice raw with pain and sadness. "I'm sorry's hard to except that a dear member of our guild is gone but it clearly showed evidence of Natsu's body...all we can do now is host his funeral and remember him so he'll live on in our hearts." The master said shakily as he tried not to break down in front of his guild. "He's not dead why won't anybody understand that!" Romeo yelled louder. "Romeo that's enough. We're all upset but we need to accept the facts son..." Macao reprimanded. Romeo just glared tearfully before running out of the guild. Macao sighed and got up to go find his runaway son. Gageel had gone back to scratching , however this time instead of the table , he'd been scratching his wrist instead. "Gageel stop your hurting yourself!" Levy yelled quickly grabbing his arms. He blinked confused before noticing the angry red scratch marks now oozing blood. Now that he had actually saw them he felt the burning sensation along with the feeling of warm , wet , sticky blood running down his forearm. His mind went hazy as he just stared at the blood. Memories of his past crashing together giving him a headache. He didn't hear Levy asking him if he was okay , he didn't see Wendy coming over to heal his arm. He didn't hear the worried shouts and screams as he blacked out. He only heard the sounds of his parents abusive words being hurled at him. And then the sound of their screams as they were murdered by a psycho dark wizard.


Natsu and Gray were nearing the end of their holiday but they were definitely making the most of it. Hikari smiled , glad to see them both looking more relaxed. The two boys were currently in the massive outdoor swimming pool since it was extremely hot. Happy was floating nearby on a whale shaped inflatable , wearing his swimming hat. Natsu was diving to the bottom of the pool to get a red pool toy and back up again while Gray watched making sure nothing went wrong. When Natsu had enough of diving he just cuddled up to Gray enjoying the feeling of the water. They splashed each other playfully , Gray grabbed Natsu by the waist and wrestled him playfully , he made sure not to hurt Natsu though. Natsu giggled and wriggled around in Gray's arms before successfully splashing him. Gray smirked at him. "You'll pay for that one mister~ Maybe I should punish you~" he whispered in a deep sultry voice. Natsu flushed red and his eyes became glazed. "W-Wha..." he mumbled , suddenly unable to form words. Gray smirked again and pressed a kiss to Natsu's forehead. The pinkette pouted. 'Stupid ice pop doing weird things to me...he's such a pervert..' he complained in his mind. Gray hoisted himself out of the water and then helped Natsu out. Natsu wrapped himself up in a fluffy black towel and sat there shivering slightly. Gray hugged him and gently rubbed him down with the towel to dry him off so he'd be less cold. The alpha then went to retrieve Happy and the inflatable whale. They dried of and changed before returning the inflatable and diving toy back to where they'd borrowed them from. They went back to their room to relax for a bit. Natsu sprawled out on the sofa suddenly drained of his energy. Gray handed him a packet of spicy BBQ duck jerky. Natsu had taken a liking to the particular snack. Natsu gave him a weak smile in thanks and munched happily on the snack. Gray was eating squid jerky but making sure Natsu didn't have to smell it. They decided to watch a movie , Natsu laid his head on Gray's lap , letting the alpha pet his slightly damp hair. They watched some movie about vikings. Natsu fell asleep towards the end , he just couldn't keep his eyes open. Gray didn't mind , Natsu needed to rest. That was the whole point of this holiday. They both needed a little R&R , Natsu slept for another half an hour before they decided to go to the spa. The spa was giant. Traditional Japanese music played from the speakers , they were given robes to change into and then were guided to a bed each. "You are pregnant are you not Mon cheri?" One of the girl's asked. Natsu blushed shyly and nodded. The girl smiled sweetly and patted his head. "No need to be so embarrassed mon petit." She giggled as she and another girl collected some things and brought them over to his side and another two girls did the same with Gray. They started with back massages. Natsu had to lay on his side because he was pregnant. After a multitude of different massages , a pomegranate and honey face mask and a mani-pedi Natsu was done. Gray didn't get a mani pedi but he got the massages and the face mask. His was a blueberry and ocean mineral one. They changed into some normal clothes and went for a walk while Happy was amusing himself in the cat clubhouse. Natsu was wearing some denim cut offs , fishnets tights and a cropped red sweatshirt. He was attracting a lot of stairs so Gray made a point of wrapping his arm around Natsu's waist , effectively claiming the omega as his. Natsu couldn't help but giggle. He placed a sweet kiss on Gray's jaw. Gray was definitely becoming more intune with his dragon slayer side. He didn't like it when people stared at Natsu like he was a piece of meat , not even trying to hide their lust. He had developed a habit of growling at them much to Natsu's amusement and embarrassment. They took a walk along the beach. Natsu bought flower crowns for them both. Blue for Gray and red for himself. Tropical music played from speakers on a stand. People were dancing and running around on the beach. Natsu giggled grabbing Gray's hands and started dancing. Gray couldn't help but smile at how adorable Natsu looked when he was happy. He spun Natsu around giddily and kissed him on the lips. Then they chased each other around on the beach , laughing and smiling. Natsu talked to Cetus for a little bit. Asking him all about his adventures and Gray decided to talk to Cygnus , asking about her ice magic. They started to head back to the hotel for dinner when Natsu heard rustling in an alleyway. Curious , he moved closer into the alleyway , against Gray's advice. He gasped softly when he saw the source of the rustling. It was a little animal hiding in a torn , damp cardboard box. She had procured a crisp packet and was rummaging for scraps inside it. "Gray it's a little you have any squid jerky left in your pocket?" He asked , suddenly remember that Gray had brought the seafood snack with him. Gray nodded taking the packet out of his pocket and handing it to Natsu. The pinkette ignored the smell and slowly got a little closer to the white animal. He crouched down and took a piece of dried squid , holding it out to the animal. It didn't seem the least bit wary of them. When it saw they had food it just bounded right up taking the squid and munching happily on it. Natsu smiled feeding it more when it had finished each piece. Tentatively he reached out and started petting the creature , who made a little rumble in the back of it's throat and then yipped happily. "We're you abandoned? You don't have a collar or name tag...are you a dog? Maybe a very rare breed? But why would anyone leave such a cute little animal out here...what's your name?" Natsu asked even though he knew the little creature couldn't hear him. Suddenly with a flash of golden light Cetus appeared out of thin air. He was still bandaged from his injuries but he looked a lot better already. Natsu squeaked in surprise. "Cetus! You scared me half to death , tell me when you're going to pop up next timeeee~" he whined. "Sorry but I came to explain." Before Natsu could ask what the little white animal yapped happily and ran into Cetus' arms. "Hey Vulpacula~ this is Vulpacula. She's the little fox spirit. I'm not quite sure what's she doing in a box in an alleyway though." He looked back at the little fox in his arms. "Can you show us your real form?" He asked the little fox gently. She yipped and jumped out his arms before running around in a circle. Slowly a pinkish-red light engulfed her as a magic circle formed on the ground. When the light disappeared there stood a small nine tailed fox. Her white fur was tipped with a pinky-red colour on her ears and tails.

 Her white fur was tipped with a pinky-red colour on her ears and tails

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"Aweee you're so cute~" Natsu cooed making the little fox blush. He picked her up and she nuzzled into him shyly. "Will you be my friend Vulpacula?" Natsu asked her gently. The little fox nodded softly before changing back to her hidden form in case any passers by saw her. Natsu scooped her up a big smile on his face as he held her close. Cetus smiled and saluted before disappearing in a puff of golden smoke. Natsu carried Vulpacula back to the hotel room and introduced her to Happy. She instantly took a liking to him and jumped on him playfully. Natsu smiled , watching them play , Gray hummed wrapping his arms around Natsu's waist and kissing his temple. Natsu nuzzled him softly. When night fell they hit up the night time entertainment. Happy stayed in the room with Hikari because it was too loud. They danced to the loud music blaring through the club. Natsu giggled his arms looked around Gray's neck as he grinned against him. Gray smirked against Natsu's neck. "Keep doing that I'll end up fucking you in front of everyone." He teased. Natsu blushed and hit at Gray's back in embarrassment. Gray laughed and pulled him over to the bar. Natsu ordered a non-alcoholic cocktail and Gray ordered a rum and cola and four shots of vodka. Natsu shook his head. "You know if you get pissed out your head I won't be able to carry you home right?" He warned. Gray rolled his eyes. "Natsu we were members of Fairytail , we have a notorious reputation for drinking. I can handle alcohol. He said as he necked the blue vodka shot. He moved onto the red one next , then the green then the yellow. Then he started on his rum and cola. Natsu huffed. "I wish I could drink...but I'm pregnant." Gray rubbed his back. "When you've given birth I promise I'll take you out and we'll both drink. Natsu smiled cuddling closer to Gray. "Hey you feel guilty...? For leaving Fairytail...sometimes...I feel bad for running away. But I'm just not ready to go back yet..." he whispered sadly. "Baby being pregnant is stressful and as much as I love the guild things get pretty chaotic there. I think having our baby and raising them away from the guild for a little while is smart. You need a little break from everything. Sure I feel about just leaving...and with the news thing their probably upset but we can worry about that some other time. Don't put any extra stress on yourself okay Dragon?" He said gently. Natsu nodded climbing into his lap. He ran his fingers over Gray's jaw. "I love you." He whispered lightly. Gray smirked. "Love you too~ and if you keep doing that I'll show you how much I love you." He growled softly making Natsu shudder. "P-Pervert..." he mumbled his face a flaming red. Gray smiled into Natsu's hair "only for you~" he whispered. Natsu pouted leaning against Gray's chest. He closed his eyes dozing off. Gray smiled finishing his drink before carrying him back to the hotel room. He changed the both of them into some comfortable clothes and snuggled up to Natsu as they curled up under the covers. Happy and Vulpacula nuzzled up to them and feel asleep with them. Natsu purred happily and Gray smiled watching him fondly before closing his eyes with a sigh of content as he fell asleep too.
Words: 2414
A/n: sorry for the long wait! Here's another chapter for yall. Sorry it's more of a fluffy filler chapter. I hope you still enjoyed it!

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