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The dust and the spiders in the old cellar of the church wasn't the thing Jaemin hated most about being there.

The blackhaired male that was rummaging around in front of him made the experience so much more worse than it already had been.

Even though Jaemin didn't like it, he still had to admit his broken heart from last summer wasn't fully recovered yet. It had a weak spot for Jeno, and Jaemin was frightened the elder would find out about it.

Even if the two of them decided they loved each other once more, there was no chance. Kim Gaon was waiting for him in Seoul.

"Jaemin?" Jeno suddenly asked which made the younger snap out of his trans-like state.

"How are you really doing?"

"Like you care" the younger snapped back before turning around and pretending to look for Lucas' stupid wallet.

"Ofcourse I care. You're just pretending I don't" Jeno grumbled.

Jaemin rolled his eyes before turning around. "Can we not do this? I don't want to have this conversation with you now, or ever to be honest. Just look for that wallet so we can get out of here and I can go back to ignoring your existence"

A sad chuckle left Jeno's mouth which slightly made Jaemin regret his choice of words. Only slightly.

"If you hate me and this place so much why did you even come back?" Jeno questioned out loud after a few minutes of silence which made Jaemin huff in irritation.

"That's none of your business"

"I'm not saying it is, and you replying like this definetly means there is something going on"

Out of frustration Jaemin threw the box that he was holding in his hands on the ground.

"Just shut up!" He yelled before stomping towards the door.

As soon as his fingers touched the handle he heard a clicking noise which indicated that the door was being locked. In tried to open the door and after helplessly failing he let out a yell in frustration.

"I swear to god who ever locked this door better open in because I will fucking kill you! Jisung!?" Jaemin yelled desperately.

He didn't like being locked in this room.

Tears started to pool on the corners of his eyes while he was relentlessly slamming his fist of the wooden door that would lead him back up, back into safety, out of this small space that slowly started to close in on him.

When he felt a hand on his shoulder and pull him away from the door he started sobbing.

"Calm down. I'll call Donghyuck" Jeno told him softly while trying to somewhat smile at him.

Jaemin watched how the elder grabbed his phone, only to see he was out of service. Jeno let out a sigh.

Jaemin felt like he was on the edge of a panic attack. A thin layer of sweat was starting to cover his skin while blobs of black were formed in his vision. The air that was hurriedly breathed in and out was starting to burn in his throat.

He felt something cold on his cheeks. His head was lifted up and trough his weakened eyes he could see Jeno calmly talking to him. He felt the thumbs of the elder softly wipe away his tears while Jaemin tried to match his own breathing to Jeno's.

Once Jaemin was somewhat calmed down he sat down on the ground and Jeno kneeled in front of him.

"We'll just have to wait until someone will come. It'll be alright. I'll stop prying"

Jaemin looked at him and sighed. The soft brown eyes that were looking at him were pooled which such emotion it made Jaemin feel like he was floating. And even though he didn't want this he confessed.

"This is my last summer I can spend in America"

Jaemin was too weak. To weak for Jeno.


Well, after two months I'm finally back. I'm sorry for the long wait.

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