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One of Renjun's arms was resting on Donghyuk's shoulders for support. The two of them were getting behind on the remaining part of their friends but Donghyuk didn't mind.

The sun that shone trough the tree branches every now and then hurt his eyes. It was early in the morning and all of them had almost exited the forest. He wondered if Lucas had been worried about them.

He also wondered if Lucas had seen things too. He wouldn't have send all of them there if he did right? Maybe he thought the things he saw weren't dangerous?

If Donghyuk was being 100% honest with himself he didn't want to go back, but the sad reality was that he had to. They couldn't leave Chenle behind, but he also didn't want to lose anyone else by visiting that place once more.

The tan male just had the biggest scare in his entire life. The idea of losing his best friend due to some stupid dare frightened him.

He side-eyed the Chinese male who was in deep thought before he spoke up.

"Are you gonna be okay?"

Renjun simply shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know Hyuck. I just hope Chenle is going to be alright"

Donghyuck sighed before he stopped walking. "This vacation really has gone to shit. You almost died. Chenle is probably dead, or fucking possesed, I'm pretty sure we're all haunted and my chances of being cute with Mark are flown straight out of the window."

"Being cute with Mark?" Renjun questioned him to which Donghyuk sighed once more before he stopped walking.

"Yes. I like him and wanted to ask him on a date but like, if you read the room it probably is not the right time for that now"

Silence engulfed the two and it was then when Donghyuk realized he never properly came out to his best friend. He always kind of assumed Renjun just knew and was okay with it, thinking back at it now, the only reason he assumed that had been for his own mental stability.

It could be Renjun was not okay with him swinging the other way, which truly would break Donghyuk's heart.

Just when the younger was about to speak up again his knight in shining armor appeared and hauled Renjun onto his back before shooting a small smile in the tanned male's direction.

"We can't waste time, we have to keep moving" Mark said before he started walking.

Donghyuck watched as the older two slowly caught up to his other friends before he sprinted after them.

The wierd heavy feeling in his chest wouldn't go away.

He was once again scared of losing his best friend.


Wattpad deleted this chapter two times I'm so mad

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