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Junho was walking to the convenience store in his neighborhood on a Friday night. It was 11 pm and he hadn't eaten yet. His parents were on a business trip so he needed to cook for himself.

When he entered the store he greeted the cashier and directly went to the ramen section. He picked two packs the spiciest ramen he could find because he loved spicy food.

Then he went to the cashier and paid for his food. The cashier had orange hair and freckles. "That will be 8,000 won." He said in an deep voice and accent.

The guy seemed oddly familiar to Junho. He payed for his food but when he wanted to hold his bag he stopped and asked "Excuse me but...do we know each other?"

"No...I don't think so but we could get to know each other, of you want to. My name is Felix by the way." The cashier said and smirked.

Junho just rolled his eyes and left the shop.


Eunsang was walking to the bridge. Some of his schoolmates wanted to meet him there. He was really scared because he didn't know what would happen.

There were two reasons why he was scared. The first one was because it was 11 pm and the second reason was that these schoolmayes like to bully him because he was gay and ill.

He hated when they were doing that but he couldn't do anything about it because they threatened to do something with his best friends Dongpyo and Hyeongjun.

So he slowly walked there because he needed to be there before 11:30 pm. When he arrived there his classmates were already there.

The classmates' names were Minseo, Yuri, Dongbin and Hyunbin. They just stood there by the bridge and waited for Eunsang.

Yuri was the first one to notice presence. "Oh as if that isn't our favorite fagot Eunsang." He said dragged him to the others.

"Soooo the reason why we called you is that we don't want to play anymore. We came to the decicion that people like you don't deserve to live." Minseo said and poked Eunsang's cheat with his finger.

"That's why we bought some of our friends to help us." Hyunbin said and smirked.

Ten boys came out of nowhere and started hitting and kicking Eunsang.
He knew some of them from biology and art classes but he had never really talked to them.

While they were beating him up they told him things like 'you should just go and die'  'you don't deserve to live'  'just for like your mom did'  'nobody needs you'  'nobody needs you they just pity you because of your illness'. They didn't knew what kind of illness he had but tried hurting him with it.

Eunsang just let it happen. Because he thought that everything they were saying was true. He actually also thought like that. He wanted to die but he was to scared to do it. Even if he knew that he would die anyway.

An hour later they stopped beating him up. "If we see you at school ever again your dead." Dongbin said and with that the others and him left the place.

Eunsang just layed there bleeding and crying. But then he heard someone running towards him. The person kneeled down next to him.

Eunsang couldn't identify the person because of the tears that streamed down his face. But then he felt really tired and all he could see was became black.


Junho was walking home from the convenience store. He picked the fast route because he was hungry. The faster route lead over an bridge.

As Junho walked on the bridge a group of people came to his direction. He recognized some of them as schoolmates but they didn't notice him.

When he reached the middle of the bridge he saw something big laying on the floor. He noticed that it was bleeding.

Junho started walking closer to the 'thing'. Then he saw that it was a person with red hair. He knew this red hair to well.

It was Eunsang! He dropped his bag and ran to him. Junho noticed that Eunsang looked really hurt. Then Eunsang started to faint that made Junho more panic than he already was.

He didn't know what to do so he picked him up in bridal style, got his bag and walked home.

When he arrived in his home he layed Eunsang on his bed. Then he ran into the bathroom to get the first aid kit. He started to put ointment onto Eunsang's injury's.

'He needs to get changed. It's uncomfortable to sleep in jeans and his shirt is full of blood...but I can't wake him up. Should I do it or not?' Junho thought. The thought of changing Eunsang's clothes made him blush bacause he had a small crush on him.

But in the and he had done it. He changed him into sweatpants and hoodie. He put the younger's clothes into the bathroom. After that he got changed and let Eunsang sleep in his bed.


Eunsang woke up in an unfamiliar bed and room. He stood up from the bed and noticed that he was wearing other clothes.

He slowly started walking down the  stairs because his body was hurting from all the kicking. As he entered the living room he saw someone laying on the couch. If that's the person who owns this house must probably really rich. He thought because the house was actually a mansion.

The person on the couch had his face burried in a pillow. Eunsang started shaking the person and said "Wake up!" "Just five more minutes mom." mumbled the person. With that Eunsang dragged the person from couch so that the body would be on the floor.

The person woke up from the pain from falling to the ground. He stood up and looked at Eunsang with sleepy eyes. "Eunsang what's wrong?" He said rubbed him eyes.

"J-Junho why am I here?" Eunsang asked and sat down on the couch. Junho also sat down and sighed. "Eunsang I found you on the bridge...please tell me what happened, okay you can trust me." Junho said and hold Eunsang's hands.

It made Eunsang's heart skip a beat but he tried to ignore it and told him what happened. "Eunsang...do Dongpyo and Hyeongjun know about that?" Junho asked and Eunsang shook his head.

Junho pulled him into a hug as he noticed that he was on the verge of crying and softly said while stroking Eunsang's hair "If they call you again or if you just want to talk you can call me, okay? You can trust me, I'm your friend so I won't let them do something like this ever again, okay?"

The rest of the weekend they stayed at Junho's house and played games or watched Netflix. Without even noticing they became closer than ever just like best friends.

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