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Eunsang was sitting in his mom's car they were driving to the hospital because of Eunsang's appointment.

He hated the hospital. For him it was like hell, all these white walls and nurses that were all fake made him go crazy. He felt more sick when he was there.

That's why he decided to go to school and find friends so that he doesn't need to think about being sick.

"Where are here sangie." His mom said as she parked the car in the parking lot of the hospital.

They both started walking into the hospital and were greeted by the nurses who were walking around.

"Ah, Ms. Lee. Nice to see you again. Mr. Kang is already waiting in his office." The nurse Seulgi who was sitting by the information station(is that how you call it?). Eunsang's mom nodded as answer and took her son to the elevators.

After riding to the fifth floor they walked along the corridor and stopped in front of a glass door. Eunsang's mom knocked on the door they heard a 'come in' and entered the office.

"Hello Eunsang, Mrs. Lee. Nice to see you again!" The man who sat by the big wooden desk in the middle of the room said as soon as Eunsang and his mom sat down on the chairs by the desk.

"Hi Daniel hyung." Eunsang said and waved at Daniel who smiled at Eunsang. "Mr. Kang can I ask why you called us and said that we should come?" Eunsang's mom spoke in a soft tone.

"How do I say this?...You see it looks like Eunsang life span will be reduced...so he'll just have two years from now." Daniel said and looked at Eunsang who was looking at his feet.

"W-what do you mean two year?! You said that he'll at least live ten years longer?!" Mrs. Lee yelled and slammed her hand on the table. "I do know that I said that but it looks like he can't live that long with his ischemic heart disease." Daniel said and ran his hand through his hair.

Mrs. Lee felt Eunsang's hand holding her arm. "Mom can we go now?" He asked and but didn't look up. His mom sighed and said "Yeah, we can sweetie and sorry for telling earlier Mr. Kang." Daniel just nodded and waved at them when they left the office.

"Mom, can I take a walk?" Eunsang asked when they stood by his mom's car. "Yeah sweetie you can I will drive home now." His mom said and got into the car.


Eunsang was sitting on a swing in the park. He loved the swing it reminded him of the time with his brother.

His brother was always there for him. They always played in the park when they were younger and even in high school they still played with the swings there. But on one day everything changed.


It was Eunsang's 16 birthday. He, his dad and his brother were sitting by the table in the dining room.

Eunsang had always liked celebrating his birthday with his family and not with his friends even, if they were like a second family to him he thought that it was more special to celebrate it with them.

Then his mom came into the room she had the birthday cake in her hands and started singing Happy Birthday. His brother and his dad also started singing.

His brother smiled at him as he blew the candles out. "Let me get my present don't wait for me." His brother said and quicky went into his room.

Eunsang chose to wait for his brother but when his brother wanted to walk down the stairs he abruptly stopped and held his chest in pain. Then he fainted and fell down the stairs.

"HYUNG!!!!!" Eunsang yelled and ran to his brother. He tried to wake him up but it didn't help. His parents called the ambulance.

His mom drove with the ambulance. He and his dad also drove there. The whole ride long Eunsang cried he didn't want to loose his brother.

When they entered the hospital they asked a nurse where his brother was and they told them to wait in the waiting room. His mom was also there and immediately hugged Eunsang.

After an hour Eunsang stopped crying and a doctor came inside. "Are you the family of Mr. Lee?" The doctor asked.
Eunsangs dad nodded. "Mr. Lee wants to see you." The doctor said and led them to the room Eunsangs brother was in.

When they entered the room they saw Eunsangs brother laying on the bed he looked really pale but was counscious immediately ran to his brother and hugged him.

"H-hyung I-I thought t-that you d-died." Eunsang cried out and his brother rubbed circles in his back. "Eunsang I will soon go to a place far away, okay? So please don't cry. I want you to be happy and I want you to live your life the fullest." His brother said pushed Eunsang a bit away so that he could see his face.

Then he took a letter that was on the nightstand. "Here please that it I want you to read it when you get home, okay? And don't forget to open my present for you." His brother said and hugged Eunsang one more time.

Then his present had their time with their oldest son but just seconds after that his brother closed his eyes and never opened them.

After he died the car ride back home was awfully quiet. Nobody wanted to say something. As soon as they were home Eunsang ran into his room but not before taking his brothers present with him.

He sat on his bed and the moonlight was shining through the window. He was scared to open it because he didn't want to cry and his brother said that he shouldn't cry.

So he opened the present it was a box and in it was a photo book. On it was written 'the best brothers and their journey'. In it were photos of the brothers, of their happiest, saddest, angriest and cringiest moments.

Eunsang bitterly chuckled while looking at the pictures. After he finished looking at every picture he opened the letter and started to read it. In it was written:

Hey priki!♡
Your favorite hyung is writing you a letter.(it may be a tiny shiny bit cringy.)
I wanted to wish you a happy birthday. You're the best little brother ever. I'm proud to call you my brother.♡ Everytime I was in the hospital you were the first one to come even if you had school.
Your bright and crazy personality made everyone happy that was just around you and especially me.
I remember when I didn't want to tell you about my feelings and you said 'If you fell sad you can tell me, if you fell angry you can tell and if you fell happy you can tell me because I want to help you.'
You were so cute to me back then♡.(I'm bursting a 'uwu' while writing this)
Anyway I really love you and I hope that you'll have a nice live and even if I'm not there in person I will always be in your heart.♡
Happy Birthday priki♡.

-your favorite and handsomest hyung donghyun♡

-flashback end-

Eunsang couldn't help but cry. His brother died from the same heart disease that he has. He didn't want to die he wanted to live, he needed to live. Not just for him, also for the people he liked and are important to him.

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