101 sentences

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"you just ignored my cat dressed up as Santa, so fuck you"

"I feel like you're trying to tell me what to do, so I'm gonna do the opposite"

"I wish dinosaurs were real so I could pet one"

"self care is drinking three pots of coffee and getting in a knife fight with god"

"as long as we don't die, this is gonna be one hell of a story"

"local dumbass knew what they were getting themselves into and did it anyways"

"I didn't even think of doing this until you said I couldn't, so really you're the one at fault here"

"I wrote that at midnight in a shakespearan rage"

"I'm going to steal that cat"

"I'm so glad noodles exist"

"take that, fuckers"


"I would literally jump off a cliff to prove a point"

"are you going to be a bitch your whole life" "probably"

"good morning, I have already made one bad decision and I show no signs of stopping"

"my kink is when people admit that I was right"

"I think I've just eaten enough pasta to kill me"

"let's do something illegal" "okie dokie"


"I'm always a slut for greek myths"

"I love saying dumb shit. It fuels me. I thrive off my own stupidity."

"frick frack, snick snack, tic tac. I'm in trouble."

"cool beans my dude"

"mathematically, I am nearly 2% tea right now"

"you are 18, STOP ACTING LIKE A GRUMPY OLD MAN" "fuck you"

"I'm like 104% tired"

"I'm in the mood for (throws glitter) romance"

"on a scale of one to ten, how concerned should I be for your mental health?" "four. maybe five. okay, one hundred."

"I'm about to cause a scene"

"I love you, you pain in the ass"

"okay, I'm bored and covered in paint. I have an idea."

"that's beyond stupid. he's created a new kind of stupid."

"even though I didn't do anything, you still gonna act like a little brat?"

"I wanna cuddle. If I don't get cuddled I'm gonna scream."

"(sigh) at least I have finger guns. they'll never betray me."

"I found an old slightly suspicious milky way in my old backpack, should I eat it, _____?" "NO" "I'm gonna eat it"

"hey, when I die can you graffiti my grave to say meme queen?"

"you done being psycho?"

"how's your day going?" "I wanna die"

"I'm a flaming ball of rage with tea"

"I'm the happiest I've ever been because of you"

"sometimes you're really cool. other times you make me wanna throw myself into the sun."


"you are a buffalo chicken wing"

"I can't tell if I like him or if I wanna punch him in the throat"

"my phone corrected yet to yetis because I talk about the abominable snowman more than the inevitable"

"you shouldntbe promoting murder"

"like he's smart, but so so stupid"

"so, I think I like him. I'm going to leave the country."

"my alien senses are tingling"

"can we talk about fish?"

"hey, are you done being a brat?"

"I put the 'bi' in bitch"

"dude, is mascara a liquid?"

"did you just call me a hoe??" "in a loving way"

"boys are puzzling mysteries. aka they're dumb but smell good."

"make sure to get chips. then bring weapons."

"(clears throat) YO"

"I was being like 99.9 percent sarcastic"

"you've been stopped by the official stop police"

"are lobsters mermaids to scorpions?"

"the future doesn't really exist"

"don't be upsetti, have some spaghetti"

"hello children, I am the fairy squad mother"

"if you keed ignoring your emotions like this, you will eventually break down" "how unfortunate"

"my mom just called my cat a slut"

"I killed a bee one time and I regret that"

"I'm not a very helpful person, you should know this by now, darling"

"what did I miss?" "I'm a god now apparently"

"stoppety stop stop"

"bro dude homie man, calm down"

"do you think koalas get angry?" "do I look like national geographic?"

"I like being occasionally poetic"

"are you ok?" "just a lil stressy and depressy is all"

"I just wanna say, from the bottom of my heart, yikes"

"do you think ants have feelings?"

"stop singing Disney songs"

"get your bitch ass over here and cuddle with me you little shit"

"just get in the fucking blanket fort"

"I will not hesitate to strangle you" "can you even reach my neck?"

"you wanna talk about aliens?"


"not a coherent sentence but let's roll with it"


"I'll seduce you with interesting scientific facts"

"I think youre pretty rad"

"I identify with seagulls because I too like screaming and stealing food from small children"

"wait, you would take a bullet for me?" "I would do anything for you, darling. except eat a mushroom, those things are fucking nasty."

"we are sophisticated adults, okay. just last week I purchased a vegetable."

"seems a bit too heterosexual for my tatses"

"I just need someone who's gonna be down with everything I fuck with"

"for some reason I just thought the plural of ghosts was gheests"

"gays aren't going to hell"

"sorry doesn't bring back my fucking skittles, _____"

"what the fuckaroni"

"what's up panini head"

"I'm honestly a mess"

"are you reading that book again?"

"I stole a bowl of cereal"

"It's not illegal to kill someone if you don't get caught"

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