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"trick or treat, motherfucker"

"I swear I heard someone calling my name"

"what do you mean my outfit looks like trash?"

"why are skeletons so amusing?"

"let's carve some pumpkins"

"have you ever felt like murdering someone?"

"I smell fresh blood"

"what if we visited the cemtery?"

"I have a feeling that's not going to end well"

"you're insane. we're going to get caught."

"the best part about Halloween are the pranks"

"wanna kill some time?"

"if you sing 'this is Halloween' one more time, I'll shoot you"

"heck no. not spiders."

"do you think we can get out alive?"

"stop trying to scare me, that ain't funny"

"I'm here for the candy"

"do you believe in ghosts?"

"I don't care about Halloween"

"I'll fucking stab you"

"it's a full moon tonight"

"shall we play a game? I stab, you scream."

"I'm so in the mood for a horror movie marathon"

"did you bring the axe?"

"we should do something crazy"

"I gotta be honest. you're scaring the shit out of me."

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