Chapter 16 the villains

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Then a storm cloud as it clears and shows them.
Everyone from auradon waa breathing heavily as the figure smiled.
Finn: stoick haddock.
The figure now known as stoick smiled.
Stoick: i cant wait to see what happens.
Finn: shut it!
Hiccup: calm down!
They both be quiet but glared at eachother.
Stoick was a big man with green eyes and had red aubrun hair.
Astrid looked at the eyes.
Astrid thoughts: why do i have a feeling ive seen those eyes before?
Finn: i thought i would never see you again.
Stoick: you banished us to a horrible island and now its your turn to spend 15 years on a island of misery!
Hiccup: well that pretty much sums it up thanks.
Everyone from the isle laughed.
Toothless: now were getting hiccup back and once we do we will finally punish you.
Astrid: hiccup is in the kitchen.
They all look at her.
Astrid: what?
Hiccup: shes being calm.
Astrid smiled at hiccup.
Then the villains headed to the kitchen.
Author: hey guys so i hope you enjoy this chapter and ill see you guys in the next chapter bye!

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