Chapter 17 finding hiccup

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Then they open the kitchen door and sees the cupcakes as hookfang takes a bite out of it.
Issa looked a little worried of what's going to happen.
Hookfang: cup hiccup was here but the cupcakes are harden so they were made hours ago.
Meatlug: that means hiccup is in here because we would never leave goods like those out.
Everyond from the isle nodded in agreement.
Then they hear banging noises from a closet as they see a lock on it.
Everyone looked a little confused of why the closet was banging and was lock.
Barf: what is that?
Belch: lets find out.
Then stoick grabs the lock and breaks it as he opens the door.
Hiccup smiles.
And stoick gets tackled and falls on the floor as he sees what tackled him.
Everyone winces as stoick rubs his chest from where he's going to be tackled.
And saw hiccup tied up with a rope over his mouth.
Stoick growls making everyone but hiccup jump.
Stoick: hiccup!
Then stoick grabbed hiccup and removed the rope gagged and also untied him.
Hiccup: thanks i thought i was going to run out of air.
Hiccup: me to.
Stoick rolled his eyes at him.
The others: Hiccup!
Then they hugged him.
Everyone smiles.
But then they heard something and ran out of the kitchen.
Everyone looked a little scared.
Author: hey guys so i hope you enjoy this chapter and ill see you guys in the next chapter bye!

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