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     Will's P.O.V

That night Ant stayed inside of the Medbay, me and Kaiko leaving Fontaine to lay with him. Me and Kaiko laid awake in our room for at least three hours, our minds not leaving our young son. The mystery of the wetsuit and the bandages were still on our minds, how did they get so bloody with no wounds to make them bloody?

As we both sat there thinking, I felt something well up in the back of my throat. A cough. I sat up and walked into the bathroom to avoid coughing in front of my wife. I had been keeping this a secret from my family, that I had been very sick.

As soon as I got to the bathroom, I couldn't hold it in anymore and coughed over the sink. I watched the red liquid splatter from my mouth and into the while tiled sink. I quickly turned on the water so the blood would wash away, then wiped my mouth with a paper towel. When I turned to open the door, what I saw shocked me. Ant was standing right at the door, staring at me blankly.

"A-Ant? What're you doing out of bed?" I called out to him, stepping closer.

"When are you going to tell her?" He said blankly. I looked at him confused, and he repeated what he said. "When are you going to tell mom?"

"T-tell your mother what..?" I questioned, trying to play dumb as my heart began to pound.

"About that." He pointed towards the sink, that was still running with water. I looked at him shocked.

"You... You saw that..?"

All that he replied with was, "You need to tell her." Then walked out of the room.

"Antaeus, what is happening here is none of you or your mother's concern." I finally commanded in a loud voice. He looked back at me angrily.

"When you die and she doesn't know why, it'll be all your fault." And finally walked out. That stunned me, I was baffled by my own sons words. My heart pounded against my ribcage and sweat began to form on my forehead as his words repeated in my head.

I chased after him, thinking he went into the medbay, but after he turned the corner, he was completely gone. He had completely disappeared. When I ran into the medbay, Fontaine woke up, looking up at me as the very much-so sleeping Ant laid next to her.

"Fontaine, when did Ant leave?" I questioned.

"What're you talking about, dad? I've been here the whole time, he's been asleep here the whole time with me." She said, grumbling as she was still half asleep. I was stunned once again as my mind repeated her words. I know I saw Ant, there was no mistaking him. I just turned around and walked out, rubbing my head. Kaiko was confused and asked what had happened, all I answered was that I had to use the restroom and went to check on the kids.

I didn't dare tell her what I saw.

We left the room early in the morning and saw bloodied footsteps across the hall. No one had cut their feet, but they were small. It was Ant, I knew I had saw him, but he was still asleep. No one knew but me.

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