Chapter 7

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After lunch, Bobby and Hanbin went back to the office together since they had a meeting scheduled with some other people regarding the L.A branch. The longer I spent with them, the more I agreed with what Bobby told me earlier: like brothers from different parents.

Hanbin looked at me sitting down in the taxi with his hand on the door. "Are you going to go shopping first before going home?"

I got reminded with the previous time where he ended up going home first while I met Eommonim at the mall. I was going to reply when he gave hand out to me. "Your phone.. unlocked."

"Orh.." I muttered as I fished out my phone, unlocked it and handed it to him. He dialed a number I'm assuming must be his' and placed a hand on his trousers as it vibrated. Punching in some words, he handed it back to me.

I was going to close the door but Hanbin opened and closed his mouth as if he was going to say something but stopped himself.

".. We can't stay here for long.. " the driver reminded.

"I'm sorry," Hanbin apologised. "I just don't want to part with my wife."

The driver, who looked not more than his mid 50s laughed. "Ahh.. young love. Sweet sweet love."

Leaning forward, Hanbin kissed my cheek and lingered for a while that I was getting embarrassed and heat coming up my face. When pulled away, he touched his forehead on the side of my face and whispered, "I'll see you later tonight, my wife."

"Please drive safe, thank you for waiting," Hanbin addressed the driver and closed the door. When I turned around as we left, he waved at me. He didn't take even a step away till I can't see him anymore.

"Your husband looks like he really loves you. How long have you been married?" the driver asked, looking at the rearview mirror at me.

"Just a little over 3 months," I said.

"Well, lady, I've been married to my wife for over 30 years and I know that look. The look that says he will stay with you no matter what it takes," he chuckled. "If he wasn't your husband, I'd say he's a keeper. Since he's already your husband, I'd say treat him well because there's no question to if he treats you well."

I smiled to myself at his compliment, my heart feeling happy as I remember his warm kiss on my cheek. Telling the driver our home address, I watched as the building goes past like blurred lines.

Out of curiosity, I looked at the name he saved himself as.

'Beloved Hubby'


I admit, the way he cares for me, looks at me and especially his every touches and kisses.. all of that leaves a strange sense in my heart that I cannot seem to explain. The more he pampers me and show his soft side, this unfamilar feeling seems to be jumping around in my heart like a pack of butterflies.



When I got home, I realised I've forgotten to recharge the drawing tablet. Leaving it charging by the socket, I grabbed a sketchbook and a pencil.

Remembering the way Bobby and Hanbin laughed today makes me feel happy again as I started to draw outlines of them from memory. Hanbin's perfect eyes, his nose and also those... lips.

Not sure how long it took me till my sketch of Bobby and Hanbin finally started to take shape. Bobby has his hand on Hanbin's shoulder as the two shared a laugh. I added some more strokes on Bobby's messed up hair and looked at Hanbin again.

Softly Falling For YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora