Chapter 12

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I groaned as the hammering in my head comes from every angle of my skull when I started to regain consciousness. The coldness of my immediate surroundings sent involuntarily shivers throughout my body. My body is lying on a cold, hard surface with my legs folded up to my chest, binded with a thin plastic fastener that are biting into my ankles. The same thing was used on my hands that are fixed in place behind me. My arms and legs felt sore, I must have been lying down here for a quiet some time.

My breathe hitched as I realized on thing: This is not a dream. I was kidnapped. 

The air smelled very stiff and suffocating and it was too difficult to make any sense of where I was especially with the stinging throb in my head. Memories of previous happenings started to flash behind my eyelids.

Mun Hae Jung lured me out of my house and then.. Chloroform. They made me sniff chloroform and I fainted.

A creaking sound echoed throughout the room as a stream of bright lights blinded me and attacked my aching head, making me close my eyes in utter pain.

"She's awake." 

An unfamiliar voice entered my hearing; a very low voice similar to a grunt more than a talk. 

"Are you sure about that?" 

A high shrilled voice came. That sounded a little too familiar. That's-


A low groan escaped my mouth when I felt my abdomen kicked, delivering an intense pain. 

Opening my eyes, I forced myself to face the pain striking the back of my head and looked up the pair of eyes looking at me like I'm some insect in the sewers she would have the pleasure to stomp on with her shiny 6-inch high heels.

"Seon .." I heard my own cracking voice.. ".. Mirae.." 

Every syllable that came out produced immense pain in my throat. That must be the after effects of sniffing chloroform. Just how concentrated was that thing? 

Seon Mirae let out a small chuckle as I recognized her. She looked pretty well for someone who'd just been nation-wide humiliated by her own nasty ways. Her makeup was on point with her auburn hair all straightened and shiny. 

".. Aren't you just.." She came nearer to me with her heels clicking on the cemented ground. ".. Curious why you are here?.." 

Her nail polish scent almost suffocated me as she gripped my jaw with her polished fingers. 

I scoffed. "It's no surprise that you have a fair dislike towards me.." 

"Dislike? Ha!" Her voice echoed through the room as she tossed my face back to the cold ground. Pain jolted through my poor jaw as it hit the hard ground. She turned away from me and let out a nerve-wrecking laugh. 

"I want Kim Hanbin.." 

I clenched my jaw at her statement and smirked. "How unfortunate that he is my husband and he loves me." 

Another kick was delivered to my abdomen and it pushed my body away from my previous position. I came in contact with a colder spot. I groaned and used up my energy to sit up on the grounds. 

Other than Seon Mirae, another man, assumingly the person that talked earlier is standing in the far corner just watching everything. Being next to the bright lights next to the door, only his medium built figure and dark clothes can be seen. The place looks like an unfinished house of some sort. 

It was about 10am when I opened the door, since there is still sunlight, I must not have been knocked out for too long. Does Hanbin already know that I'm gone? 

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