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The six were waiting for Namjoon by the entrance all of them busy with their phones. Namjoon finally got rid of his big problem( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and went to the six. "Sorry i took so long guys..." Namjoon says while he scratches the back of his neck. "Its okay hyung" Jungkook says smiling to Namjoon. "Yeah hyung don't worry about it." Taehyung says with a sweet smile. "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU SO NICE TO NAMJOON AND WHEN IT COMES TO ME YOUR ACT LIKE BRATS!?!" Jin yells in frustration. "Coz you suck." Jungkook says while he puts his hand on Jin's shoulder. "The fuck did you say?!" Jin responds. "Just kidding please don't stop buying me banana milk" Jungkook says with puppy eyes. "Guys the van is here" Jimin says. They went in the van so they could finally be at Lolokow island.
The seven gays were asleep the whole ride to Lolokow island. Hoseok wakes up realizing everyone is asleep. He quickly turns his gaze to yoongi. 'He's so beautiful' was the only thing going around Hoseok's head. "Why?"you ask, well it's because Hoseok always liked Yoongi but won't admit it to himself because he is not sure if he's gay. Hoseok is whipped, so fucking whipped for Min Yoongi. Hoseok wishes he could just tell Yoongi but he doesn't because he thinks Yoongi will reject him. Hoseok has been staring at Yoongi for 10 minutes.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Yoongi says with his raspy voice. "Oh! Um you're awake! I was just... I wasn't looking at you i was looking out the window!?"


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