Scary stories bc it's Halloween, duh

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I wake up to hear tapping on glass and look towards my window. I hear it again, but then I realize it's coming from the mirror.

I'm watching the news and there's a murderer on the loose. I go over to my glass door and look out. I see a man, standing in the snow, staring at me. It looks exactly like the murderer and I pull out my phone to dial 911. I look back out the door and see him closer to me this time. I look towards the ground and realize there's no footprints. It's his reflection.

As I'm walking in the woods, I hear a noise and turn around. My daughter died last year, and now I can see her, but she didn't look like the daughter I once knew.

My mom used to stroke my hair to help me sleep, and I didn't mind it. My mom died 2 years ago, but the stroking didn't stop.

Its 12:07 AM. Her nails pierce through my chest, her long nails ripping me apart. I bolted awake, relieved it was only a dream. I look at my alarm, and it's 12:06AM and I hear my closet door creak open.

I used to have a cat and dog, so I got used to them scratching at the door during the night. Now that I live alone, it's a bit unsettling.

I live on a farm and it was late and dark outside. My friends and I were playing in the dark outside. One of us kicked the ball into the darkness. We didn't want to go get it, since it was dark, so we decided to leave it until the morning. As we're walking inside, the ball comes flying back to us. It freaked us out because no adults are outside and we don't have neighbours. We still don't know who it was.

It was dark and so I decided to turn on the light switch. As I reach for it, I feel a cold hand already there.

Living alone can be quite peaceful most of the times. I bought a doll at a garage sale, and I swear I can hear it rocking back and forth in the rocking chair in the next room.

I hear a voice comforting our baby through the baby monitor. I roll over and my arm brushes against my wife's, sleeping beside me.

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