Chapter 1: Three Knocks

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Thursday's POV 

I woke up early that morning to Christmas Music. Ugh! Suddenly I felt someone shake me. I looked to see my older sister Wednesday looking at me. 

"It's time to scare off the Christmas singers." She said. I smiled, and followed her out of our room. 

(on the roof) 

Grandmama was mixing the potion, as Lurch was holding the cauldron, waiting to spill it on the spirited people. Mother and Father were being affectionate. And lastly, me, my twin older brother Pugsley, and Wednesday were looking over the edge at the people. They didn't know what they had coming. Then, Grandmama and Lurch poured the potion over them, and the people ran away screaming. We all laughed, and went inside to go back to bed.

(7:00 am) 

I woke up to someone licking my face. I opened my eyes and saw it was Fang. My dog that mother and father bought me. I smiled at him, and kissed his nose. 

"Morning Buddy." I said. I got up, and got changed in the bathroom. When I walked back into my room, I saw that Pugsley was tied up, and had an apple in his mouth. 

"Don't be a baby. I know what I am doing." Wednesday said, and lifted up her crossbow at him as she heard Pugsley's muffled complaints. I sat down on the bed, and decided to watch how this played out. Wednesday let the arrow go. It went straight into the apple. We untied Pugsley and got ready for school. 


I walked down with my siblings and Fang, to get my lunch. 

"Thank you, Lurch." Wednesday said after she took her lunch from him, and walked outside. Pugsley looked inside his bag, and saw his lunch. He made a face, and Lurch told him to not be picky. Lurch doesn't really talk, but we can understand him through the sounds he makes. Pugsley walked away with his lunch in hand. I walked up to Lurch, and took my lunch as he passed me it. 

"Thank you, Lurch." I said. I turned to Fang. I petted his head, and left him with Lurch. 


Me and my siblings walked outside and up to Gate. He let us through, and we got on the bus. We sat in a 3 seat, so we could all sit together. 


I was sad when I got home. I was bullied by those blonde girls again. And I'm not very good at standing up for myself. I was the first one to walk in the door when we got home. I held the door open for Wednesday and Pugsley. 

"Wednesday, Pugsley, how was your day?" Mother asked. 

"Dreadful." They both answered, making mother smile. While I was just frowning, and trying not to think about what the blondes said to me. 

"Thursday?" Mother asked, but I didn't answer. I closed the door, and went to the kitchen. 


"What's wrong with your sister?" Morticia asked her other two children. They just shrugged their shoulders. Morticia sighed. Ever since Thursday's best friend moved to Russia, Thursday has been having trouble at making friends lately. 

Thursday's POV 

I sighed, as I sat on the floor. Fang's paw was on my lap, as I looked at the wall in front of me, deep in thought. 

"What are you thinking about, my Little Poison Flower?" I heard my father ask, calling me by the nickname he gave me. 

"Why blonde kids are the most deadly in the whole school." I answered, not turning my head to look at him. He sat down next to me on the floor. 

"Did one of those little monsters bother you again?" He asked me. I didn't answer, causing him to sigh. He picked me up, and put me in his lap, hugging me. "Don't worry. One day, you be the one looking down on them, and they'll feel just as terrible as you are." 

"Or worse?" I asked, smiling. 

"Or worse." He said, smiling. He kissed the top of my head, and hugged me tighter. 

"I love you, dad." I said, hugging him. 

"And I love you, my Little Poison Flower." He said. 


We were sitting at the table with the Alfords, to do a séance to summon our uncle Fester, and to find out where he has been for 25 years. Father said he left before we were born, so we never met him. Lurch was playing music for the background. I was sitting between Grandmama and Father. 


"Stop it." Wednesday told Pugsley as he held up a butcher knife. 

"Pugsley." Father said. Father held his hand out, and Pugsley gave him the knife. Pugsley giggled at his actions. ''Kids." Father said, causing Mrs. Alford to laugh.  

"FROM GENERATION TO GENERATION, OUR BEACON TO THE BEYOND. ALL CLOSE EYES AND JOIN HANDS." Mother said, after she passed the woman statue thing to Wednesday. I grabbed Grandmama and Father's hand. 

"Ow! What a grip! Ow! Oh, my hand! Ohh! My hand! She's got my hand!" Grandmama said, pulling thing out of her sleeve. Mrs. Alford screamed causing most of us to laugh. She was about to leave but her husband calmed her down. 

"Mama, you should know better." Mother said. "Thing, your a handful." Suddenly, we all heard growling. I looked over to see Fang growling at Mr. Alford. 

"He really doesn't like me, does he?" Mr. Alford asked. 

"It's not just you." Wednesday said. "He doesn't like anyone outside the family." 

"Wednesday." Mother said. 


"Mama." Mother said. Grandmama let go of Mrs. Alford's hand, and started saying something I didn't understand. Then she stopped. 

"I feel that he is near. Fester Addams, GATHER YOUR STRENGTH. AND KNOCK 3 TIMES." Grandmama said. Suddenly, 3 knocks came from nowhere. "Did you hear that?" 

"Ask again Mama, quickly." Mother said. 

"By all means." Mr. Alford said. 

"Ask, Ask!" Father said. 

"FESTER ADDAMS! I DEMAND THAT YOU KNOCK AGAIN!" Grandmama said, and it happened again. 

"HE'S AT THE DOOR!" Father yelled, pointing in that direction. Suddenly, Fang and Thing ran to the door. We all ran to the door. Thing opened the door, and a man was standing outside. 

"Could it be?" Grandmama asked. 

"Is it him?" Mrs. Alford asked. 

"Is it possible?" Mr. Alford asked. 

"Oh my god." Mrs. Alford said. 

"Fester." Father said. 

"Gomez." The man said. Father went up, and hugged the man. Father kissed the man on his cheek. 

Suddenly, a woman walked out from behind them. 

"Good Evening. I am Dr. Pinder-Schloss." She said, with a creepy smile on her face. 

"Come on in." Father said, but as soon as they stepped in the door, Fang started growling and barking at them. 

"Get that thing away from me!" The woman shouted, as foamy drool started coming from Fang's mouth as he got angry. 

"Fang!" Mother said, but he didn't listen. I didn't like the way this woman acted. Something was up. 

Author's Note: 

I hoped you enjoyed this first chapter, and I can't wait to write the next one! Bye! 

Love emmy! 

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