Chapter 7: Goodbye Gate

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Third Person's POV 

Gomez pulled the top off the dish, and saw Pugsley sleeping on the plate underneath. 

"Look." Morticia said. "Our little boy. 

"All tuckered out." Gomez said. 

"So sweet." Morticia said. "Looks just like a little entrée." Pugsley woke up, and looked at his parents. 

"Where's the party?" Pugsley asked. 

"It's over, darling." Morticia said. "Have you seen your twin? Or Fang?" 

"Not since before the Mamushka." Pugsley said. 

"Gomez..." Morticia said. 


Lurch opened the map, and held it up. 

"Fan out." Gomez said. "Pugsley and Wednesday, head for the dungheap. Mama and Morticia, the shallow graves. I'll take the abyss. Lurch, check out the bottomless pit." Lurch groaned, nodding. "Fester..." 

"Up here!" Fester said, from the window of the house. 

"Fester!" Gomez shouted. "You take the unmarked and abandoned well!" 

"Someone should stay behind!" Fester said. "Incase she comes back!" 

"Good man." Gomez said, nodding. "Good thinking!" 

"Then who'll take the swamp?" Grandmama asked. Thing tapped Gomez's shoe, causing him to look down at the hand. 

"That's the spirit, Thing." Gomez said. "Lend a hand. Let's go!" And they all spread out. Lurch picked up the car, but found nothing. 

"Thursday!" Pugsley shouted, looking for his twin. 

"Thursday!" Wednesday shouted, looking for her favorite sister. Her only sister. 

"Thursday! Thursday!" Grandmama shouted, as she and Morticia looked into a cave. But she got no answer. Thing jumped across the lily pads on the swamp water, but he found nothing. Gomez however found a place where she might be. The Adams Family grave vault. He pressed a secret button, and the doors opened. Inside, he saw a sleeping Thursday, and Fang laying beside her. Fang's head shot up when he saw Gomez. Gomez petted Fang's head. 

"Good boy." He said. Gomez picked up Thursday, and carried her out. Fang jumped off the stone coffin, and followed them out. The Adamses met back at the grave yard. Morticia was happy that her youngest child was safe and sound. Gomez passed Thursday to Lurch, and they all headed back. When they got there, they saw Gate had a No Trespassing and ADAMS FAMILY KEEP OUT sign on him. "What is all this?" 

"THIS is a restraining order!" Tully said, coming out of nowhere. 

"A restraining order?" Gomez asked. 

"Yes. It requires you to keep a distance of 1,000 yards from this house." Tully said. Fang started growling. 

"I am restrained from my ow house?" Gomez asked. 

"Not your house, Mustache." Tully said. "Not anymore! It belongs to the oldest living descendant. The elder brother! Fester Adams." 

"Fester adores Gomez!" Morticia said. Fang started barking, making Thursday wake up. Lurch put her down, and she walked up to her mother.

Thursday's POV  

"Oh no. He's afraid of him." Tully said. "Seeing the Twins brought it all back. You're bitter rivals, Gomez." 

"I demand to speak with Fester!" Gomez said. 

"Sorry, no can do!" Tully said. "He's very hurt. Just leave." Tully left. 

"But, he isn't even Uncle Fester." I said. Father turned to us. 

"Have no fear." He said. "Justice shall prevail. The Court will decide. They say a man who represents himself has a fool for a client. Well, with God as my witness...." Father pointed at the sky, making us all look up. "I AM that fool!" Unfortunately, we lost. Fester got the house. I hate that man I wanted to call an uncle before. 

(Time skip) 

I picked up all my things I packed from my room. Fang barked. 

"Yeah. I am gonna miss this place." I said, looking around my room. I sighed, and left the room with Fang following behind me. I was walking down the stairs to the front door, when I heard a voice. 

Thursday." I heard someone say. I turned around and saw Uncle Fester standing there on the stairs. He looked like he had tears in his eyes, but I knew better. He was faking it. I won't be taken as a fool. Not again. "I'm sorry." 

"Sorry doesn't cut it." Wednesday said, walking to stand beside me. "What you are doing is unforgiveable." He looked down in shame. "But what do you care?" He looked up at us. "You're not even Uncle Fester. You're just a fake man, wanting to take something that doesn't belong to you." He sniffled. "Come on, Thursday." Wednesday grabbed my hand, and we walked out with Fang following. We gave Lurch our luggage, and we got in the car. Lurch and Pugsley sat in the front. Grandmama, Mother and Father sat with me, Wednesday, and Fang in the back. Lurch started the car, and we drove to Gate. 

"Bye Gate." I said, as we passed through it. Goodbye home. 

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