The eyes in the alley

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It was raining that night. Thunder sounded above you, as you tried to find a place to sleep for the night. The rain hit you harder and harder and faster, until you couldn't take it anymore, it was starting to give you flashbacks, and they were bad when they happened, and you had to move fast. Finally, you saw a van, and leaped up onto one of the tires, but as you were about to sleep, you saw something in the corner of your eye.

You could hardly make it out, because of the rain, but it looked like another cat, with a spiked mane, and a sinister walk, it's eyes lit up in the darkness of the ally it was sitting it, and it started making its way towards you.

The cat seemed undisturbed by the rain, as if it were used to it, and it didn't leap up onto the tire as you did when it reached the van, instead, it sat there still with moonlit eyes, then spoke,
Mystery cat: why, hello there, you seem unsettled by the storm
Y/N: um, yeah, why?
Mystery cat: no reason at all, it's just, I have never seen a cat with such divine beauty, hide it in the darkness
Y/N: well i'm not that much of a 'showing' type.
He chuckled, and held out his paw,
Mystery cat: come, let me take you to dinner, it's just through this alleyway here

You were a little put off, and about to decline, but you thought you might give it a try, it wasn't everyday you got asked out!

You politely agree, and take his paw, allowing him to lead you into the alley way.

But something was wrong

Y/N: wait a second, this alley is a dead en-

He quickly twisted your arm and slammed you into the wall, leaving your vision blurry.

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