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you scream out as the stranger started punching you repeatedly in the stomach.
Mystery cat: why do you scream?
He purred, and you slowly stand up,
Y/N: it's just, i've spent all this time growing my claws, and now i'm going to have to break them
Mystery cat: do you think i'm scared of some kittens claws?
Y/N: no.. however I think you should be scared of a psychopath's blades
Mystery cat: wait, wha-

The cats smile dropped as you revealed your claws, they were a foot in length and razor sharp. You saw his face, absolutely livid for a split second and then you came into contact with his chest.

He backed into the wall, well.. more like staggered, you got out your cellphone and called Scotland Yard immedietly

They arrived in about ten minutes, to find Macavity the mystery cat pinned down to the floor by you.

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