The next time..

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It had been a month since you came to see Macavity and you didn't know why but somehow you had butterflies in your stomach.

When you arrived at the police station, the officers nodded at you and let you in. He was there

You walked up to the bars and crossed your arms, he looked up at you and hissed.

Macavity: what. Are. You. Doing. Here.

Y/N: I dunno, why are you here?

Macavity: i'm not gonna tell you my life story if that's what you're asking for..

Y/N: oh really? Then I'll just keep visiting until you do.

Macavity: you'll be wise to just turn and walk out that door.

Y/N: yes I know, but what if i'm not wise?

Macavity: well, you are the girl who defeated me..

Y/N: ahhh, so you admit I defeated you?

Macavity stayed silent, he turned his back to the wall and you knew it was time to leave, so you did.

This went on for another month, you visiting him and him refusing to tell you his life story.

However, over many weeks of silence and refusal, a bond was made...

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