Chapter 3

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This song relates to the fanfiction in many ways! =^w^=

Ross' POV

I bit my lip before walking towards the unordinary note. My hands grazed the paper before I lifted it up, ready to face my fears but instead something much worst lay on the note. The note was from Max's kidnappers- and they wanted more than what was possible.

To Whom it May Concern:

We have your friend- but if you want him back your both going to have to pay a price. We will not kill him- however we will harm him physically if your able to give us the $8,000. If not he will slowly rot in our jail cell.


The Ender's

$8,000? Death? What do I do! I gingerly turned my gaze to the door behind me before lifting up the note and racing out of Max's bedroom towards the living room. As I made it to the living room, I guess my foot-steps alerted Tim since he was looking up t me with a bewildered expression. I gingerly chuckled before strolling towards him, "We have a bigger problem then what we thought."

"What do you..." I quickly cut the older male off by handing him the note; Tim's eyes lit up with concern as he slowly opened the note and began to read it. His eyes darted around the paper until he looked up at me with a sad expression, "Ross, we need to hand this over to the police."

"N-No please Tim- we can solve this by ourselves!" I begged as Tim solemnly shook his head.

"It's for the best Ross, c'mon lets get this to the police station."

I sighed acknowledging that Tim was right- if we wanted Max back soon we would have to hand over the note. Tim started to lead me towards our car before signaling for me to hop in. As I gingerly slid into the car I couldn't help but feel as though I was being watched. However whenever I looked outside, nothing was there. Tim started the car before going in the direction of the nearest police station. The cold breeze beat against the car as we drove. I guess I never noticed how quick fall arrived due to my sorrow.

Minutes passed until we made it to the police station. I gripped the note in my left hand before following Tim inside but, we were quickly paused by a metal detector in our path. Two polcemen looked at us before nodding for us to go through. Tim went in first but nothing happened. I hesitantly checked my pokcets for anything that could be detected before stepping through. At first nothing happened before one of the officers started speaking, "So, what brings you two here?"

"We need to speak with an officer; its about the dissapearnce of-" Tim began but the officers quickly cut him off once more.

"Say no more, we have one officer who can see you, follow me please." The two men of law exchanged glances before the first one began to lead us down a long hallway. Officers and civilians wandered down the hallway as they tried to locate their destenation. However the officer quickly paused infront of a door that stopped in the corner of the hallway. "Go on in- Officer Jules is waiting for you."

Without any remark Tim and I started to walk inside. The room was decorated with figurines of Marvel and Avenger characters and a man sat behind a desk typing at a small computer. As we entered the man slowly tore his gaze from the laptop to examine Tim and me. "Sit down." Tim and I quickly sat down in two chairs infront of Officer Jules as he looked down at us, his icy gaze glowered at us as he started to speak once more, "What do you both want?"

"We came upon the dissapearnce of Max L-" I began but the officer cut me off.

"Well I'm on his case and there is nothing that is being found. So tell me again, why you are here?" 

"We found this note on his bed!" Tim piped in as I handed the note to the officer. Jules looked over the note before shaking his head, "Please sir, we need to use this."

"Well this has almost no evidence upon his dissapearnce, besides how can I tell that you are both trying to hold up my invesitagtion!" Jules bellowed before he started to rub his forehead in anger, "Tell you what, I'll bring this to the lab for finger-print samples. But its obvious to even the naked eye that our scientists won't find anything of importance."

"Thanks for nothing." I growled coldly before getting out of my chair, Tim's eyes darted towards the officer before he quickly got up. I started to lead my roommate down the hallway before Tim grabbed ahold of my arm, causing me to turn around and look at him.

"Don't listen to him, man. We will find Max- we just need to keep looking!"

"Y-Yeah," I sighed quickly before looking up into Tim's sad brown eyes, "Your right Tim-Tam."

"Theres the Ross that I remember; now then lets head to IHOP and clear our minds on some pancakes!" Tim smiled as he started to lead me out of the police station. I quickly paused while looking back at Officer Jules, office before sighing to myself, I hope we find him soon.

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