Chapter 12

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Sorry about chapter 11 not uploading- its posted now if you want to check it out!

Ross's POV
I was awoken from a deep slumber from the sound of obnoxious beeping and someone prodding me. Two days have passed since I received that strange nightmare and I intended on staying beside Max's bedside even longer. I slowly opened my eyes to find Tim standing infront of me, a worried expression sat on his face as he looked down at me.

"Tim whats-" I was quickly interrupted by a group of nurses who raced inside with a machine. One of the nurses pushed the machine beside the bed before pulling out two wires that attached to two white metal pucks. My eyes widened in realization as I turned towards Max's heart monitor and realized that it was a flat-line.

"NO!" I screamed as I tried to lunge forward but Tim quickly grabbed me by my shoulders, "Max no, please!"

"Come on Ross, it's best that you don't watch this..." Tim sighed as he tried to sooth me.

Warm tears raced down my eyes as the nurses thrust the pucks onto Max's chest before yelling, "Clear!" Max body jerked in the air as electricity shocked him. The ginger fell back onto the bed as the nurse repeated the same process but this time Max's heart started to beat again on the monitor.

"Will he be ok?" Tim asked as the nurses started to pack up their machine. The head nurse frowned before shaking her head.

"We can't tell at the moment- if the  defibrillator doesn't hold him up for a week then we might need to take certain precautions." The nurse sighed before walking towards me and patting my back, "I'm sorry that this is happening to you both." She quickly left the room leaving Tim to unwrap me from his hold.

My entire body fell on the ground as loud sobs escaped my mouth. Why did this have to happen- Max just- he was on his deathbed! I quickly looked up at Max's bed before slowly standing up, my legs felt like jello but I ignored it as I wobbled towards the ginger's bed. As I made it to the bed I froze, watching the mans gentle breathing as his chest rose and fell. 

"Ross, you've been here for 3 days. The nurses claim that you never leave Max's room. I think you need to go come for abit..."

"N-No! I'll never leave his bedside!" I yelled out but Tim sighed before grabbing my hand and dragged me backwards. Tears continued to stream down my face as Max slowly became smaller until he was just a room that stood meters away from me, "What if he dies while I'm gone Tim? I would never forgive myself for leaving him!"

"Ross snap out of it- Max wont die. You need to believe for him." I averted eye-contact with the Male but, I knew he was right.

I looked up at Tim and sighed, "Fine I'll stay at home for one night. But tommorow I'm returning straight to Max's bedside and you won't stop me!"

"That's fine- as long as I can get you to take care of yourself in any way."

I grumbled in frustration as Tim proceeded to lead me through the hospital. Tears continued to fill my eyes as I let out a low sigh, I'll return as soon as I can Max- please don't leave me.

Half an hour passed until Tim finally drove us home. Tim quickly got out of the car before rushing to my side and helping me out of the car. I reluctantly followed Tim inside of the house. Almost nothing had changed since my absence- everything was still a mess, and everything seemed to remain where I put it last. I glanced over at Tim who was roaming towards the kitchen, he paused and looked through the cabinets before speaking.

"All we have to eat is a box of Mac-N-Cheese and hots dogs- what do you want?"

I froze, barely hearing the rest of Tim's sentence as he said Max's favorite food. Tears threatened to escape once more but I held them back as I whispered, "Max-N-Cheese..." I looked up to find Tim mumbling something under his breath, it sounded like he was saying "Poor Guy" but I couldn't be certain. Tim started to gather the materials for Macaroni and Cheese meanwhile I stumbled through the hallway until I came across Max's door.

Max loved his pricacy- never shared anything personal to anyone unless he could acknowledging their trust. He trusted me and I let him down. I grimly twisted the doorknob before pulling the door open. The ginger's dark room haunted my eyes as I slowly walked forward, I paused beside Max's bed when something caught my eyes. A box sat underneath Max's bed.

I slowly got to my knees before I pulled out the box- my eyes widened as I quickly recognized the box. It was full of Max's materials for cutting. A pocket knife lay inside of the box along with a box of band-aids. I slowly pulled out the pocket knife and turned it over in my hand- watching the blade gleam in the dim light.

I sighed as I considered what I was about to do- I frowned before pushing the knife closer to my arm. Everyone says it helps- maybe I can try it just this once. I pushed the knife into my skin, allowing crimson blood to rush out of my fresh wound. A wave of relif hit me as I watched my blood trinkle down my arm. Soon 1 cut turned into 2 cuts and 2 cuts turned into four. Footsteps sounded in the hallway as I quickly thrust the knife into the box before applying bandaids onto my wounds.

I pushed my sleeves down before turning around and finding Tim in the doorway. "The Mac-N-Cheese will be ready in 10 minutes." The male started to turn away and as he left I slowly sat down on Max's bed. His soft mattress welcomed me as I fell onto my back. My eyes slowly closed as I allowed the darkness to take me away from reality.

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