Chap 24

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Ross' POV

"How about we go into Tim's room and wake them up?" Max questioned, his arms folded as he looked at me with a smug smile. I glanced at the cabinets and frowned remembering how my siblings would always wake me up on school mornings by banging a spoon on a metal pot. My eyes darted back towards Max before I slowly nodded. As though the two of us shared the same thought we raced towards the cabinets.

I quickly dug through one of the drawers in search for the wooden spoons meanwhile Max grabbed two metal pots. I grabbed one of the spoons before tossing the other to Max. As soon as we had our weapons ready, the ginger and I tip-toed down the hallway. The soft sounds of snoring thickened the atmosphere as Max and me closed in on Tim's door. The ginger shot me a look before he slowly turned the doorknob. I quickly held up my pot before banging on it, Max followed quickly after me.

"AAAAA!" I screamed before running into the room. The pot frantically roared in pain everytime I banged the spoon on it. After a couple of seconds Tim jumped into a sitting position meanwhile Cory quickly hid behind the Male.

"What the hell are you both doing- its 7 in the morning!"

"Just thought we should wake you two love-birds before anything juicy happened!" Max teased as Tim quickly hopped off the bed.

"I swear when I get my hands on you, Ma-!"

"Dont bother chasing him, Tim." Cory soothed the Male infront of him before peering out from behind Tim's shoulder, "Unless neither of you made breakfast..!"

"I made breakfast!" I yawned as Cory nodded, "there are waffles on the counter for all of us!" I finnished before anyone could speak. Max was looking at the ground beside me, mused in thought. Meanwhile the lovebirds were discussing between themselves. "Now that everything is situated, Max and me will be in the kitchen if you need anything!" I beckoned Max towards the door but paused before yelling over my shoulder, "Just remember that there are waffles on the counter."

I continued walking out, Max stood behind me the entire time- not speaking a single word. I slowly turned around to face the ginger who wore a look of sorrow on his face, "what's wrong?"

"How are we going to do this, Ross?"

"Do what?"

Max sighed at my question before glancing at Tim's door which sat behind us, "let's talk in my room." I grimly nodded as the ginger Male led me through the hallway once more. We made sure to quickly grab our plates before proceeding into Max's room. As we entered Max's room, the only thing illuminating the contents of his room were a small desk lamp. Max led me through his room before seating himself on his bed. I slowly sat beside him and met the ginger.

His eyes were distant and he continued to wear a grim expression, "Max?"

The male sighed and looked down at his hands, "what will we do when it comes to court, Ross..."

I drew in a reluctant breath that I hadn't realized I was holding before facing the ground, "then we will need to overcome it by letting the truth out."

Credit: Pintrest

Sorry for the short chapter. But since the first part of the story was done in Ross's POV I figured it would be best to give Max more chapters towards the end... what do you guys think?

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