Part 2

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The twinkle of the sun through the curtains signified that it was morning. she gave a little yawn and a stretch and rolled over. Oh god, it all came back to her. The night before, she had been so distraught, so angry that she had done something very silly. She could remember his hands running all over her body, his mouth traced kisses on her skin. There he was facing away from her, the sheets resting just on his hips and she could see his chest rising and falling. 
She noticed some markings on his back and gently lifted her hand and traced her fingers over the lines. Some one had hurt him. He soon started to wake from his sleep, he rolled on his back and lifted his arms above his head and stretched.After a long exhale he looked down at her staring up at him. She gave a little smile, which he returned. She shifted slightly forwards and rested her head on his chest. This man was a stranger, but it didn't matter. She was happy.

He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and held her tight. they laid there in silence for a short time, while she traced circles over his chest. She felt like she had known him for years. "what are those marks on your back" she asked.
"scratches" he replied as if she knew what he was on about.
"who did that to you" she sounded shocked
"you" he replied matter of factly
"oh my god, i'm so sorry, I  didn't mean to hurt you i just felt angry and i guess i took it out on you" she rambled on apologetically.
"don't apologise, last night was great" he gave a little laugh. she couldn't help giving a little laugh back, not wanting to say anything as she felt a little embarrassed, or was she ashamed. 

He offered to make her breakfast and she kindly accepted. He sat up on the edge of the bed, facing away from her. Then he stood up stretched again and walked off into the bathroom. She could not help herself, she had to have a little look. Not bad she thought and then flopped back into the pillows with a massive grin on her face. Not bad at all.
Then her memory flashed back to the previous day, supposed to be the best day of her life. She was supposed to get married, yet here she is in some other persons bed. She sat up and walked over to the mirror with a bed sheet wrapped around her. She saw that her brown hair was a complete wreck and her make-up was non existent. She heard a click and then the bathroom door opened and out he walked scratching his head and yawning. when he stopped he looked over at the bed to find that she was not there. He span around and saw her standing at the mirror and then he felt relieved.

"i put some clothes on" he gestured to his clothes. "i also got some for you to wear, as i thought you would not want to wear your dress home" he smiled kindly.
"i probably should wear it home, so that people are not suspicious of where I've been" 
"okay well its over there" he pointed to a spot on the floor. just then her phone bleep, she reached for it from her bag and flipped it open. Her other best friend (not the one who slept with her fiancée), a text message where r u?? been calling you all nite. i'm worried bout u, please call me back or i'm going to call the police!!  WHAT HAPPENED?!? your FIANCÉE said you just took off. CALL ME!!! XXX

Such a drama queen. She looked up from the text and saw he was just stood there waiting. "i need to phone my friend, and phone a cab, so I won't be having that breakfast." she spoke apologetically. 
"okay, i'll phone you a cab you get dressed" she went and picked up her clothes and shuffled into the bathroom. Quickly she splashed some water over he face and pinned her hair up with the few she had left.slipped on her dress and tied it up. She then hurried out of the bathroom and found a piece of paper and a pen and wrote something down.

When she walked into the kitchen, he looked up at her from the paper. There she was again, that breathtaking image.She's leaving, he felt disappointed, but there was nothing he could do. 
"I made you a quick coffee, if you like it"
"God yes, i'm a coffee addict thanks so much" and she wrapped both hands round the mug and took a sip. 
"your welcome" and he went back to his paper.

About 10 minutes later she had finished her coffee and they had not really said much else. Just things like how nice the weather was. She also found out he came from a small place in Ireland called dingle, and she told him she was born and raised here in LA. Suddenly a horn interrupted their conversation. "i better get going" and she started to walk away.
"wait, whats your name?" he pleaded
She stopped in her tracks, but then continued walking. Guilt had finally sunk in now she was back in her dress. The runaway bride.
"mines Brady" but she just stepped out side, shut the door behind her and got in the cab. All he could do was watch it drive away. 

He felt a little silly feeling this way over a girl he just met, but he felt like he connected with her. He walked back into his bedroom and saw that she had left the red lingerie she was wearing the nigh before. He walked over to pick it up and noticed a small piece of paper folded and laid on top. He bent down to pick it up, unfolded it and it read: Thanks x by the way my name is Sophie. and written underneath that was a number, her mobile number. He hoped.

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