part 5

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sorry this part is only going to be about a page or so as i am up at 2 am writing this for you. I hope you like it and don't forget to vote and comment. Thanks :) x

'thanks for taking me out Amy, I really needed this' Sophie said as she swiped a debit card through the machine. she had brought a couple of outfits so that she did not have to go back and face him any time soon. Sophie also brought some essentials so that she could at least look and smell normal. 

'your welcome, you need this after what that son of a bitch did to you' at this a women who worked in the shop gave Amy a funny look, so Sophie shot her an apologetic look. Sometimes Amy could be a bit of an embarrassment. Sophie was a bit lost now, she had nowhere to go, no home and no belongings for the time being.

'what am I going to do Amy. Where will I stay?' Sophie question while fiddling with a pot of body butter she had picked up.

'isn't it obvious' she glared at me 'with me of course'  I sighed with relief, in a way Sophie knew Amy would put her up but she didn't want to get her hopes up and then have them dashed, again. Sophie just smiled at Amy as she was a little embarrassed by the situation.

'Well Im going to try these on' and Sophie held up a handful of clothes, she then headed over towards the dressing room and picked the room on the end. The walls were of a royal red it felt warm and romantic.She picked the first item of clothing which was a cute top with a wrap around cardigan. She put it on and looked at herself in the mirror, turning to the side. Sophie thought, maybe he went with someone else because i'm to fat. I mean I'm only a size 12 but the slag he's with is an 10. Maybe he didn't like girls with a figure or maybe it was my face, its not perfect and my hair is awful. Over years she had considered surgery to fix her flaws, but Sophie always chickened out at the last moment. Snap out of it she thought, and Sophie tried on the next garment on. It was a purple dress that tied in the middle, It stopped just above the knees, It also had a flared arm.(picture-dress on the left)Then she heard it, giggling from the changing room a few doors down. 

Suddenly Amy burst in the door 'god you look hot, if i was batting for the other team, i'd bang you' 

'thanks' Sophie laughed 'I think I might buy this one' Then came the giggling again.

'Sounds like their having fun' Spoke Amy a little louder than normal, hoping that they would hear. Then cam the thudding. 'they are definitely not trying on clothes in their' the smile on Amy's face grew, she had a plan. Amy walked over to the door that they were behind and pulled a coin out of her pocket, then she flicked the lock and pulled the door open.  Sophie ran out of the changing room hoping to slam the other people's door shut, but it was to late. Amy had no etiquette. Out flew two people in a heap on the floor.  They were laughing but them shock hit them and they stood up.

Sophie recognised them immediately, it was him. Sophie's ex fiancée and her the slut. What were they doing here. Amy was in hysterics to even notice who they were. Sophie was so riled up that he never even got a word out, she just thumped him in the eye. twice. No words came from Sophie either. Amy soon stopped laughing and pulled on the bitches hair pulling her backwards.

'how could you do this to Sophie, do you have no feelings at all'  Sophie thought that Amy sounded more hurt than she felt. Tears welled up in Sophie's eyes and her heart throbbed with every beat. 

'babe I'm sorry you had to see this' he rubbed his hand up and down hers. Sophie shrugged away, she had heard all the apologies before. It made her sick to the pit of her stomach to hear it again, because she knew he wasn't. Sophie shook her head.

'get off me you prat, every word you say makes me feel more and more sick, I feel cheap and disgusting every time I look at you. I can't believe I cried over you, you know what...your not worth it' Sophie spat at him.' I don't even know what I saw in you, you bore me to death, the way you eat annoys me even the may you sleep makes me want to scream and if I had to live with that for one more second, well lets just say i would rather stick needles in my eyes'   Amy had a smug look on her face and knew that Sophie was trying to move on. 'so just leave' Amy let her go. Amy pushed her forwards. They both walked away looking pretty ashamed.

'oh and by the way I'm shopping with your credit card and I will be going out for dinner with it. Have a nice evening.' and she waved him goodbye. 'wait one last thing, I shagged someone else the night you told me' Whoops Sophie thought, she never meant to say it. Just slipped out like she wanted to see the look on his face, and it did not disappoint. Amy strode over hooked arms with Sophie. 

'So, whats for dinner'

'Oh, I don't care somewhere expensive'  Sophie shouted.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2010 ⏰

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