Part 3

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Heyya me again ;) sorry i have not uploaded for a while but i have been so busy. But now that I am ill and have nothing else to do I will upload the next part. Hope you like it :) x

Sophie sat in the back of the cab and sighed a breath of relief. She was going home, back to her family and friends that loved her. 'where to love' The taxi man broke her trail of thought. To be honest she was not sure where she was going to go. So she said the first address that came into her mind. 

'East pico boulevard, casa del mar hotel' (This is a real place) This was the hotel were her friend Amy was staying for after the wedding. It was only 7:47 she should not have checked out yet. Amy was probably still asleep. She pulled out her mobile and started to flick through her messages....MOTHER HAD LEFT A VOICEMAIL- that she did not want to listen to, So she just shut it again and stuffed it into her bag. She was soon left to sit there in her own company, until the taxi pulled over. 'sorry love, I can't pull up that close to the hotel, there are a lot of cars waiting outside' Sophie peered out of the window and saw all of the cars that she hired for her wedding. Shit how could she have forgot that ALL of her guest were staying here, she had made a quick transfer for her guests when she found out this hotel was closer to the church. 

'That will be $7.20 please' Sophie stared at the taxi man, she had completely forgot that she had no money on her. Yet she still opened her purse and had a rummage, just so the man wouldn't get angry.

'whats taking you so long love, you have got the money haven't you'. 

sophie looked up a little nervously and shook her head ' if you just let me pop into the hotel quickly i will be able to get it.

'no way you ain't doin a bunk on me' Sophie leant her head backwards and sighed, she did not know what to do.  Quickly in one swift motion she grabbed her bad and flung the taxi door open and made a dash for it. She could hear the man shouting after her and she kept on running. She had had a crap couple of days and she refused to let a fucking taxi defeat her. 

She could see that people were looking at her and for once she didn't care, she just wanted to reach that hotel. She could see the large gold framed revolving door ahead of her. She slowed down when she got a bit closer. Sophie stood in the door and pushed gently until she was inside the hotel. It was luxury, the carpet was of a deep red and the walls were a royal gold. Chandeliers on the ceiling and beautiful flowers all around. It was perfect. 

Sophie then made her way over to the reception area where a lady was sat. She had her hair twisted into a chignon, and was wearing a tight black pencil skirt, a crisp white shirt (which was unbuttoned to leave no imagination) and a black jacket with folded cuffs. She looked Sophie up and down in disgust. ' May i help you?'  She spoke in a sort of nasal voice. 

'Erm, yeh im looking for a  Amy Scott i think it was room 132, but i wasn't sure' Sophie questioned.

'and you are?' god what a bitch Sophie thought.

'i'm her girlfriend' The look on the women's face was priceless it brought a small smile to Sophie's face 'Now can I see her.'

'yes, of course erm..yes you were right she is in room 132, she is due to check out in 4 hours' She tapped away at her computer and then looked away and pretended she was busy.

Sophie made her way to the stairwell and sat on the bottom step. She pulled both of her shoes off and dumped them in the bin, they were of no use to her any more, beyond repair. She went up the stairs taking 2 at a time, eager to see her best friend, for a hug. Sophie ran down the corridor counting up with every door. Finally she came to a halt and bashed on the door. No response. so she shouted and banged on the door ' OI YOU LAZY SOD GET UP'. she soon heard the latch on the door click and a voice 'never had a wake up call like that b....' Amy looked up and saw the tattered Sophie. ' Oh my god what the fuck happened to you'  Amy laughed a little shocked.

'Apart from the fact the receptionist things we are lesbians, well,you wouldn't believe me if i told you'

'come inside you ditzy cow' and Amy ushered Sophie through the door and slammed it behind her. That was Amy all over insulting and rude, but the best friend you could ever have. She was always there for you, always had your back, you can tell her anything and know its secret. They had been friends for 8 years, they met at a party and hit it off straight away. Most of all they were definitely not lesbians. Amy had shagged more men than she could count. She attracted them all with her charm and looks. Amy had dark cropped hair that framed her face, and very soft features. She was slim and had great...assets. 

'so where the fuck have you been Soph.'

'Its such a long story and im so tired.''Ooh please, i'm dying to know what caused you to flee your own wedding with no word of warning, I had to have your fiancée explain that you had doubts about being a married women'. At this Sophie started to sob uncontrollably. 

'I need your help Amy!'

'Anything for you, i mean what are friends for, our friendship is like peeing on yourself,  everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings' at this Sophie giggled.

' Oh Amy you are disgusting sometime, but I need you to help me get revenge on that dick'

'whoa hold up, start from the beginning what happened'

Brady sat next to his house phone contemplating how long he should wait to phone her, if he should phone her. Of course he should Sophie left her number so that he would phone her. Should he ring now to hank her for leaving the number or to see if it is its not a fake. Brady picked up the phone and them put it down again, maybe he could try leave a voicemail and if she picks up he can hang up. Oh god he thought get some balls and phone the girl.

Sophie had just about told Amy all the story, apart from sleeping with Brady.

'Dick' was all that Amy said. then silence. 'I'm gonna fucking kill him, that son of a bi..' Then Sophie's phone rang. 

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