Chapter 3

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Out in the wild we ran through the tall grass, leaving a trail of flattened undergrowth. Where ever we went they were always right behind us. I stopped and placed my hand inside Tristan’s. He squeezed it and I looked up. If this was to be the end I would have to spend it with him. I looked ahead, blinking away my tears. There was now ten angels all blocking the way, trapping us in the middle of a large clearing. Their identical faces staring at us like a pack of hungry wolves. They slowly stepped forward in synchronisation; each foot squelching in the mud at the same time. They all looked the same. Then I remembered something. Something that could help us. The necklace my father gave me the first time I told him about the orbs. That first time, when I was as scared as I am now.

“Father, father” I had cried as I ran into his arms. He gave us both a look of relief and asked where we had been. I stared at the wrinkles on his face and the grey hairs poking out of his jet black hair. “Orbs, father!” I cried “lots of twinkling lights everywhere!” my father looked at Tristan, eyes wide, asking for confirmation. When Tristan nodded my father ran to the cupboard. Muttering whilst searching for something. He was upset and I hated it. I could feel his fear. He was scared. He bought out two boxes each had an angel, their wings spread wide, engraved into the side. “Here,” he said handing Tristan and I a box each. “Never take them off. With these you will be safe.” He whispered. I opened my box slowly, anticipating what would be inside. A beautiful rock pendant made from silver that glistened different colours depending on the light. It was so beautiful it bought tears to my eyes. I was honoured to be given this marvellous gift. In Tristan’s box was a ring made from the same ‘colour changing’ silver and had a smaller version of the gorgeous rock on the top. It felt cold in my hands as I tied it around my neck. I knew I would never take it off. Tears started to stream down my Father’s face and he embraced us both for what felt like forever. “You will be safe now,” he whispered. Then there was a big gust of wind; a roar of sadness. Father collapsed to the floor and I felt life leave him. I burst into tears and fell to the floor beside him. As I looked up and saw a dark shadow leave the room in a black cape. I stared but it was gone, and so was my father. Tristan and I sat by my father’s body for two hours waiting for mother to get home. We held onto each other. Each crying and promising we would never take off the jewellery. 

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