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“Tristan wake up!” I yell at him, shaking him until he woke. Was this heaven? I look down. I am wearing a short white dress. The floor is made from a shining white marble. I lean against the white walls of the prison we are both stuck in. tears dripping onto the floor. Closing my eyes for the end. However as I lean against the wall I feel something on my back. I turn my head as far as it can go and feel my back with my hands. It is there that I find a big, white, feathered pair of wings. At that moment a man walks in. he is tall and has dark hair. He is wearing a black cape. His black eyes stare at me intensely. “Hello,” he says. His voice sends shivers down my spine. “I’m Hades, God of the Underworld” he continues, “You may have heard of me.”

Escape from HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now