Chapter 4

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It felt cold now just like it did six years ago. I tried to take it off discreetly. Without anyone noticing. Tears formed in my eyes with the memory. I didn’t know what it was for or what it did I just knew it would protect me. I stared at it in my hand, tears trailing down my eyes. I was so scared. I felt Tristan tense next to me as the circle closed in on us. The beautiful sky was a dark blue colour, like the sea, covered in a scattering of glowing stars. Now was the time to act before they got Tristan. He was all I had. My mother spent most of the days mourning my father and the only friendships at school were built on their pity. But Tristan was different. I couldn’t lose him to the angels.

Suddenly a weight pushed me down to the floor. One of the angels was sat on me preventing me from moving. I closed my eyes, “why?” I whispered. Then I smelt smoke and could hear a sizzling sound. I looked down and saw my necklace digging into the angels arm. She started screaming. A scream that sent chills down my back. I looked at her face to see it slowly turning to dust. Each little grain falling to the floor like sand. It moved up her arms to her body quickly turning the angel to nothing. Behind me Tristan, realising what had happened, took off his ring and pressed it in to the arm of the closest angel. I was in shock, still lying on the floor surrounded by the sandy, remains of the angel. Tears trailing down my cheeks, staring up at the sky, it dawned on me that together Tristan and I could defeat these creatures. I could get rid of the angels. I jumped up a bit too fast and my head started swaying but I quickly recovered my balance and threw my necklace at the closest angel using all my strength. Tonight was not to be my last night. As the angel struck by my necklace started to disintegrate, Tristan threw his ring at another. Together we turned the angel army to dust and the fear began to leave us.

As we turned to leave the first angel suddenly appeared before us, wings outspread and eyes red. Charging forward, her hair flowing behind her. My heart thumped against my chest. I grabbed Tristan’s hands from behind me. I shut my eyes tight. Not letting the tears escape. She got closer. I threw my necklace at her. It was my last hope. I had faith in the necklace, but the necklace let me down. The angel did not turn to dust. Tristan threw his ring. That too, didn’t work. We were unprotected. This was the end. It was over. She flew. Wings outstretched. She landed. She killed... or so I thought.

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